While I doubt this RP will end up being simple the core idea behind it is. In this RP you are the leader of a merc group, or even a lone merc depending on how you spend your cash in the [url=http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Main_Page]Mechwarrior/Battletech[/url] universe, you have 25,000,000 C-Bills you can spend on whatever you feel like though if you have something like clan tech or experimental tech I will need a good reason as to why you have that, and it is the beginning of the Jihad. Go out and make a name for yourself. I will keep a rolling list of jobs, their pay, their employer, description, etc. The focus of the story will be driven by high end jobs, these will have no limit to the number of people that can go on these jobs, they will generally pay a lot better as well. You do not have to go on these jobs, especially if a previous job just savaged your forces and you need some respite and there will be plenty of secondary jobs from suicide runs to milk runs depending on taste and how empty that bank account of yours is looking at the moment or how shiny that new Atlas is looking. You will have to pay pilots and ground crew, keep people and mechs/tanks.aerospace fighters maintained, secure transport to jobs, and everything else that would be required of the leader of a mercenary band. Of course there are ways around much of that such as only taking jobs that provide a transport to the job site, hiring someone else entirely to do your logistics, etc. So you do not need to have a head for numbers just hire someone to have a head for numbers and I will take care of it as GM. So, anyone interested? [url=http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Main_Page]Battletech Wiki[/url] Edit: Almost forgot to note, as soon as the PCs drop in we are going AU and how far AU depends on the PCs.