[quote=solamelike] Hello Old chap, Bloody sorry but I think its naff you saying porkies on us nattering the same lingo.Blimey Id say that its a bit arse about face you must be Barmy should get to her majesty's pleasureId haggle with ya but bugger its all a bunch of cobblersBut bobs your uncle here we are all Chuffed, was a doddle even if we looked left right and centre for it.On ya Bike!Cheerio! [/quote] I searched up "British to English Translator" and put in what you said, this came out: Hello Old guy, fucking sorry but I think its tacky you saying lies on us nattering the same lingo. wow Id say that its a bit ass about face you must be idiotic should get to her majesty's pleasure Id haggle with ya but asshole its all a bunch of nonsense But bobs your uncle here we are all happy, was a easy even if we looked left right and center for it. On ya Bike! goodbye!