[centre][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/vwq1id.png[/IMG][/centre] “Hale won’t be an issue anymore. I can promise you that. There doesn’t need to be any needless violence between the faerie and the hunters. He knows not to hunt in the forest, and he would never even think about taking down one of the Seelie. Last night was a mistake; he got too caught up in making sure he took those Unseelie down before they harmed more people. You can hardly blame him for it.” She said as his hand slowly reached out to grab a piece of her golden locks. A lovely colour with a natural ringlet affect. He let his brown eyes slowly drift over to her eyes before asking her in a rather monotone voice. “Is that so? I cannot see why you defend a man of such violence. “ He pushed a small smile onto his lips before leaning down to kiss the strand of her hair. However when the lockets left his finger tips he did not pull away from her, but move his face level with her’s their faces close. He could feel the uneasiness, the slight fear? Beaming from her body just making him smirk ever so slowly as he spoke. So to break her uneasiness and get a little touch of the human, a fine creature if he had a say, by letting his fingers run on the underside of her chin bring her up to look at him. The fogginess in her eyes as she looked at him, almost with a second of loving and longing he smiled down at her. Oh how he desired to play with this young and naïve human. However, before the idea of having tea with the woman could happen, he sensed a human and pulled his hand back before glancing over at the hunter who appeared. He watched Hazel easily tense back up from the corner of his eyes. “Is that a demand or a request? I do believe these woods are still ours. “ He reminded her. “Next time then my dear. “ He said as she ran off to the human hunter. His eyes narrowed at the man before he turned from the garden and disappeared into the woods to reclaim his horse and head back to the court. [centre][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/71iwow.png[/IMG][/centre] When Ash broke through the tree line, he had never thought one of them would be there. It took him by surprise his hands moving to pull out the gun, however, he paused knowing that if he reacted to fast, things could be badly in too many different ways. So he called out as he watched Hazel carefully, making sure to let his eyes flicker to the unwanted thing standing next to her. She glanced over after the fae had meaning the fae had noticed Ash first. She spoke with the fae as Ash watched tensed and ready to react to whatever happened. However, after what appeared to be a brief talk left the fae standing there alone in her garden glaring right back at Ash before his eyes went to linger on Hazel. It made Ash frown all the more before the fae turned and left just as Hazel came up to him. They were about a yard or so from her home, she said his name but that didn’t make him glance down at her just yet. His brown eyes narrowed on the fae’s back as it walked back into the woods carefree. Even after the fae disappeared Ash watched and listened before finally glancing down to meet Hazel’s eyes. Rather than answering her question he glance back around thinking that fae would come back for a surprise attack. “Are you alright? I know your supposed to talk with them and stuff but. . . you know how we don’t trust them. Everything seems off putting around them, I just want to make sure your okay.” He said still rather tense from the encounter with the fae, he never would have thought that a fae would be there. Then again, a fae had been killed in the woods by Hale last night, so maybe Hazel was trying to play the middle ground pre-usual. Sighing softly his body untensed only slightly as his weight shifted, his one hand coming up to push his messy brown bangs from his eyes. He looked down at the woman again suddenly feeling rather awkward. “Ah.” He said with a bit of a pause before shifting his weight again. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night. I tried to get Hale to come. . . but you know how he gets.” He said softly not sure to started. Why did he always get so awkward when it came to human interactions? He was fine a second ago and now . .. not so much.