So I decided to go ahead and make my own merc force for now. The Black Lances, a combined arms force with limited mobility they excel more in urban combat though are capable as an all around force. I plan to spend about 2 million more C-bills on things like spare ammo and supplies with the remaining acting as a small buffer for payment though I plan to start with everyone at the start of their newest job including myself but you never know when a few extra million C-bills could be useful. 6,207,250 C-bills - Hammerhands Heavy Battlemech 4,800,000 C-Bills - 12x Raiden Battlearmor Suits - 135,000 C-Bills - 12x Small Lasers - 114,000 C-Bills – 12x Tsunami Heavy Gauss Rifle 1,393,467 C-bills - Myrmidon Medium Tank 1,393,467 C-bills - Myrmidon Medium Tank 3,044,667 C-bills - Behemoth Heavy Tank 3,044,667 C-bills - Behemoth Heavy Tank 20 298 518 C-Bills - Total Cost 4,701,482 C-Bills Left Everything comes fully loaded and it is assumed all crew and pilots have been paid their wages recently at the start of the RP.