[center][img]http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu272/shadowwolfcat13/SofiaSoleil_zps99697089.png[/img][/center] [hider=music][youtube]bfjFY0iZinQ[/youtube][/hider] The key appeared rather plain both in person and on camera, yet the wing keychain was a beautiful work of art. Whoever had created it must of worked for weeks on end to craft each and every feather to perfection. These little details baffled the young girl, who toyed with different filters, in order to take the best photograph possible of her newest possession. However, when someone let out a yelp nearby, she was startled and had to play “Hot Potato” with herself, the phone in her hands being the potato. When she regained a proper hold of the object a few seconds later, the camera had been closed and the home panel was being displayed before her, yet not everything was as it should. A peculiar figure now stood on screen, a beautiful woman with long brown hair and stunning blue eyes, dressed in what appeared to be armor. This was certainly not an advertisement, nor a video being played, due to the fact that all their attributes, such as a “skip” or “pause” button, were missing. This entity simply stood there, as if it were one of those adorable shimejis, and even began speaking. Whilst it gave her a greeting and a small speech about something regarding an app, Sophie kept quiet and observed as it did so. The student had pulled her face away from the phone, the distance between the two now capable of being considered normal and nonthreatening for the eyes, and her expression had gained that same attentiveness, which she had during class when she hoped that taking the role of the thirsty for knowledge child would allow her to avoid the teacher’s questions. Quite frankly put, this little lady was completely blank in her thoughts, despite having a small spark in her eyes. Nothing logical could explain this strange predicament. This was so random and unusual that even she couldn’t handle it. How did the box enter her room? How had they found her address? How did they come here so fast? Questions had piled up in her mind for a second and in the text became so many that they caused a malfunction and a blackout followed. Yet she did not allow herself be overcome by fear and anxiety, for Sophie pulled out from the annals of her memory that day of her very first test in Physics back in the 7th grade. Back then she had sat on her desk with confidence, but once that sheet of paper had been placed before her, the poor lass had had to come to the realization that she could not do a single thing. Try as she might, not even one of the answers came to her naturally. It was the same as the current situation. Nothing made any sense. This being said, Sofia Soleil made the same decision as she had in that unfortunate school day. She had to wing it. Go with the flow and see what comes out of it. Not doing anything would be the same as failing, thus there was nothing to lose from trying. In the end, the test results showed that she had gotten 57 points out of 100, which she considered amazing for a person who had not studied at all. Her luck rarely played tricks on her and being given the opportunity to receive an accessory for free was definitely a strike of luck. Everything else that came along with it was surely part of the blessing. That is why, after about a minute after her new acquaintance had finished speaking, the girl responded in a cheerful manner. [b]“Nice to meet you, Valkyrie”[/b] Sophie was smiling, as if she had met a new classmate, with whom she wanted to be friends with. [b]“My name is Sofia Soleil, but you can call me Sophie, since Sofia sounds too formal. Oh, and this is my buddy, Tori.”[/b] she turned the screen of the phone towards the little dog, which tilted its head while its tongue was sticking out. [b]“He’s a pembroke welsh corgi and such an adorable puppy~”[/b] she fawned for a moment and Tori wagged his tail in response. [b]“Now, lets see here...”[/b] Sophie began by pressing the Key Shop app while walking towards her laptop, which had been placed on the desk. A window immediately appeared, asking for her to enter a username. [b]“Hmm, what should I be, what should I be”[/b] she swung her legs back and forth as she sat on the chair in front of the dest, her free left hand stretching out, in order to press the “start” button. [b]“ “Morning bird” sounds cute, but I like “Kitteeen21”, too. I’ve never been good at picking names.”[/b] she sighed. The laptop’s system was now running. [b]“I’ll be...hmm...um...”[/b] Lightning struck and made her jump in her seat. [b]“Sheesh, I hate storms. I wish the clouds would go away already.”[/b] she complained, but suddenly brightened up with the arrival of an idea [b]“I got it! “Lucky Sun”! I’ll put a star symbol between them, too! Hehe, this is so sweet.”[/b] Then another window appeared, asking her to enter a name for her key, the default being Valkyrie. This was a bigger dilemma than the first. Sophie was never a professional name-giver, but wanted to give this new friend a nice name, one with meaning and an elegant touch to it. [b]“Excuse me for a second.”[/b] she quickly excused herself and placed the phone on the desk. What followed was her opening Mozilla Firefox and entering the address of a site she knew and loved, 20000-names.com. Once inside, she clicked on “Special Categories” and, after some thought, continued by clicking “Light names”. A few minutes of debating passed and then she smiled, for she had found a suitable name. [b]“Alright! I’ll give you the name “Candra”. It means “glowing like the moon”. Hope that’s alright with you.”[/b] she said as she typed it in and entered it. Someone knocked on the bedroom door. [b]“Sophie. Breakfast.”[/b] her mother said without entering and then headed for the kitchen. [b]“Coming!”[/b] the child responded. Sophie put the phone on loud-speaker and placed it on the bookcase headboard. While taking off her sleeping gown and putting on a nice set of home clothes, she chirped to her new companion. [b]“I wonder what we’ll be having for breakfast today. I hope it’s not one of those bread in water things. Toast with jam would be the best. Oh, cupcakes would be nice, but mum doesn’t have that much free time. She’s a good cook, always tries her best, despite the little time she has. I can’t cook, so I don’t have any other choice anyway. Can you cook? What’s your favorite dish? I dislike stuff with too much oil. You know, those greasy things. So unhealthy! TheY opened another fast food place just two days ago in our area! Seriously, we have five already! What’s their plan, anyway? If we get too fat, we won’t be able to go out and buy anything in the first place. Then again, we can order online or use the phone. Still, it’s immoral to fatten people up like this! Other than that, I don’t like fish. I know it’s healthy and all, but I just don’t like it. Too slimy for me. I don’t mind fish as pets, though I find them a bit boring. Still some of them are very pretty with all those colours and all.”[/b] She was ranting and did not even notice that she was already dressed. At present, the girl was just walking around her room, checking various things, such as her bag and her closets absentmindedly, looking for something she didn’t even remember what it was. [b]“Speaking of colours, that Key Shop app is really nice. Love the design, but could use something brighter. Are you from the app’s crew? Like, a service worker or something? But you said I’m your “master” or something, right? Is that what you call your clients? I like serveys and helping out with stuff like that, so I’ll be happy to help, if you need something like rating or reviews. It’s a sweet app and the key came super quickly. Is there anything you’d like me to do now? I’ll have to go get breakfast, so if it’s something that needs time, you’ll have to wait a bit.”[/b]