"Bloody 'ate this feelin'," Crashing Wave grumbled as he entered the Mortal Realm for the first time in almost a thousand years. A cone of energy formed around him as he felt himself start to breathe, live. He found himself over his beautiful Sea. A smile formed on his lips as he gazed at it. Moonlight shimmered of the massive body of water, making it appear silver from his vantage point, "'ello Beautiful. Ya miss me." The smell of the sea entered his nose and he relished it with every breathe. In the distance he spotted a small vessel. His eyes narrowed as a dark smirk formed on his lips, revealing serrated teeth akin to a sharks,' Time ta liberate some poor wayward souls then aye.' _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Softstep walked along the railing, enjoying the night air and the smell of the sea. The gentle breeze ruffled her sandy blonde mane slightly. There were a few unicorns but they paid her little mind aside from the occasional. She was a slave pure and simple. A sad fate for one so young but at least she was allowed the comfort of the sea. It reminded her when she and her father would go down to the shores and just watch the sunset. Then in the sky she saw a multitude of falling stars. One in particular caught her eye it was garbed in a blue light and was headed straight for the water a good mile in the distance. When it hit, a shockwave rocked the boat. "What was that!?" One of the unicorns shouted. He stomped over toward to Softstep," What the hell you do dirt pony?!" Softstep was about to answer when one of the other unicorns tapped the unicorn's shoulder," Umm sir?" HIs gaze was wide-eyed with shock. Softstep looked toward the distance and found out what he was staring at. In the distance a wave of water was approaching them at breakneck speeds. "Brace for impact!" Somepony shouted. Softstep clutched the railing as the wave hit the ship full force. Most of the unicorns were knocked off the ship and into the water below. "Sir," a scrawny deckhoof looked over the railing at the ship’s Captain was launched overboard. He looked up and started to shout something but stopped when they heard an earthshattering roar ricked the boat. “GRAAAAAAHHHH!” Softstep shivered when she saw something massive move under the boat,’ I’m going to die. I’m going to die.’ She watched wide eyed as the ponies that had went overboard were suddenly pulled under water. The ship’s Captain frantically swam to the ship. He reached the broadside ladder only to be pulled under as well. Down bellow the other slaves could be heard panicking from the noise above deck. Suddenly a titanic head rose form the sea. It was a sea serpent, the biggest that had ever been seen. It looked down at the ponies as though they were ants. Silence reigned as ponies stared up at the behemoth. Softstep shivered she knew what this thing was. “Leviathan,” she whispered. Unicorns chose then to move to action and began bombarding the creature with spells. The spells bounced off its scales as though they were chucking rocks at it. “GRAAAAAAHHH!!!!” It roared a second time, the stench of rot and decay almost making Softstep puke. The Leviathan grabbed the ships mast in its titanic jaws and wrenched it free with little effort. Its tail rose from the sea on the other side and wrapped itself around the Second mast. It ripped the pylon out and chucked it into the distance. “Abandon ship!” a unicorn screeched as she jumped over the edge. Unicorns moved to do the same when they saw blood where the mare had been. Softstep was still staring at the behemoth that wrecked the ship and snatched up unicorns left and right as though she was in a trance, rooted to her place by sheer awe and terror. Then the monster set its sights on her. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was the beast’s maw. Softstep awoke with a jerk and sat up. She was on the beach and the sun was just starting to rise on the horizon. Her chest was heaving, her heart going a mile a minute. She placed a hoof on her chest and breathed a sigh of relief,” Oh good it was only a nightmare.” “Bloody well ‘ate those meself.” Softstep squeaked and ducked under her blanket at the voice. She heard boisterous laughter, “Wee lass thinks I’m out ta get ‘er.” Softstep hazarded a glance at the owner of the voice. Before her was a massive alicorn stallion. She gazed up in awe at him. The stallion just smirked,” Ya, I know I’m one fine specimen of a stallion. Stare ‘way lass.” A wizen earth mare with cherry red fur settled down beside her,’ we thought we lost you.” She glared up at the stallion,” You needn’t scare her.” The alicorn smirked,” What can I say? I’ve me moments of scary. Don’t ye fret yer ‘ead lass. I won’t hurt ye unless I want ta suffer th’ wrath o’ this old salt wife.” He gestured to the wizen mare beside Softstep then bowed gallantly,” Me name be Crashing Wave lass God of th’ Sea an’ Tide. It be a pleasure ta make yer acquaintance.”