Dahlia let her mouth fall open as Sebastien had the nerve to walk away from their debate! Sure, he listed his own list of credentials and, overhearing his introduction to the others, he did in fact have the knowledge he claimed previously. "How dare you!" Dahlia began, her voice increasing in volume. "Is this [I] really [/I] the person you all want to represent you as Savants?" She faced her Savants with a hand pointing to him, now seated neatly on the stairs of the Academy. "He has the attention span of a Squirrel!" She stood there incredulously in the silence that rang out after her own voice. Then, she raised both her hands in a sort of surrender motion. "If you want to be poorly represented and succumb to someone who may look good on paper but lacks leadership [b] experience [/b]" Dahlia paused, allowing her words to sink in. "By all means. Free will and all that stuff. Vote for whom ever. Just don't come crying to me when he turns out to be horrible at the job." --- Rachael quietly watched the Dahlia girl rant on yet again and rolled her eyes, giving those of her faction a gentle smile of greeting as they introduced themselves. She even gave Sebastien a small wave when he had introduced himself, even if he was a Savant. "I guess that's pretty much settled now. Lauren for us and Sebastien for them. What about the third group..." She peeked down into her pamphlet for a moment before glancing back up. "The Sedition still needs to pick before we can go inside.."