[quote=Windreda] ShadowRaeper...I can't accept this. If this was a casual OOC you could probably get away with a sheet like this, but this is just bad. Many words are misspelled, her personality and background are way too vague, and you don't even include all of the bullets I wanted you to in my Character Template. Other things I would like you to address are your powers, while fine by itself the tiers are a little TOO specific than I'd like. How do you judge what's 75 feet away and what's 25 feet away in text. I would like to see more of how powerful her magic is, not necessarily how far away she can lift things. Rather than give a specific number, simply allude to the fact that her range has increased. Another issue you need to address is how powerful this magic is, multiple objects are good but what of the weight of the object, the duration of the lift, etc, etc.I also don't really understand the less clothes comment, does she wear armor or is the difference between clothing that covers her body THAT much related to her speed? I would address the spelling errors, reevaluate her magic, be a bit more specific with her personality(You vaguely hint at a darkness inside her, but to me that feels too much like "Main Character Syndrome"), and MUCH more specific with her background. In a city that assigns roles, how did she become a librarian, her reaction to magic, etc. etc. [/quote] Thanks for the tip :) I didn't really knew how you truelly wanted it, so now i can create it into a CS you wanted :) For my english... sorry... It isn't my main languedge...