"Cerfew? Severe punishments? Jeeze, why does this have to be so uptight? It's a school not a prison, there is a fine line between keeping order and being plain awful. However it is not my place to be involved." Gwen reprimanded herself, she had a simple goal; find out what was so fishy about this place and end it. The people here and how they were treated was not her problem. She walked over to Laruen and introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Gwen and I'd like to personally apologize for some of my faction members, life will not be easy with them around." She smiled sadly, they would be simpler to get out of the way now but she didn't have time for that. Their nonsense would have to go unchecked for a while. --- Jack jumped off the bus, arms wide as if embracing the sky. "Couldn't have asked for a better day to get trapped in a school, huh?" He laughed to one in particular. He leisurely made his way over to Laruen, "Hello! I am Jack, wonderful to meet me isn't it." He laughed, "I'm kidding, I think I'm going to choose halcyon!" He smiled brightly despite having no clue what his faction did or who was in it, he didn't seem to think it mattered.