The main sport I have in mind for this is mahjong, but if nobody knows or cares about that then keep reading this interest check anyways, replacing any mention of that game with a different sport. The sport most voted on will be what we go with unless I hate it. In that case someone else can start a roleplay using that sport. I won't mind. A new season of an anime called Saki has recently started up so I'm inspired to create a roleplay based on it, but not actually a fan fiction. I'm simply "borrowing" the premise "somewhat" but we'll have original characters, plots, etc. so no knowledge of the anime is required. You do have to have a basic understanding of the game called mahjong but we can help you out if you're not entirely sure of everything that's going on. The plot of this roleplay will go like this; in this alternate reality of earth, things are much the same besides a worldwide love of mahjong that has made it the #1 sport in most countries, much like how most of the world views soccer or Americans view football. Some people are gifted with special abilities related to the game of mahjong. For example, some might draw more honor tiles, some are able to win quickly, etc. Each of our characters can have a unique ability of our very own but our opponents will often have even better ones so this will an underdog story as we have to use strategy and teamwork to overcome our obstacles. We're from a Japanese highschool that's about to be closed due to lack of funding and they don't have a mahjong team, but one of our characters decides to start a mahjong club after convincing the town major (Japan has that, right?) to keep the school open if we can win the regional tournament and donate the prize money to the school. That being said our main goal will be winning the regional tournament, then the national tournament, then the worldwide tournament, each with tougher and tougher opponents leading to insane matches. We'll not focus only on playing mahjong, but will also have a ton of character interactions while we go about our lives just doing whatever we'd do in our down time. So what other sports might we also be able to go with? How about kendo or karuta if we stick to the Japanese theme, or go with worldwide sports such as archery or soccer. There can also be one inspired by the fictional game of blitzball from final fantasy 10. Basically it's like underwater soccer so in 3 dimensions rather then 2. If we do make a roleplay it will probably be a gravity manipulation type thing rather then water and take place in a futuristic Earth. Feel free to suggest your own sport ideas but I hate football so no suggesting that unless it's for the benefit of starting a roleplay without me. If there's a tie for first we'll go with mahjong, as that's my favorite option. If the winning roleplay eventually dies out and the runner up got enough interest then I'll PM whoever voted for the other one to see if you'd still like to do it. Besides expressing interest it would also be helpful if you vote on if you'd like to have it a female, male, or mixed gender team. Some sports might be odd to have mixed genders but whatever. If we don't reach a consensus then that's what we're going with.