There are some things that I'm going to need to discuss with you guys before doing the first idea, as that's the one with most interest at the moment. First: Is everyone okay with the elements? I'm not sure how everyone feels about having Light and Dark as elements with the other four, so that's why I'm asking. :3 Second: How [i]exactly[/i] should the kids obtain their abilities? Should it be something that anyone could learn, but they have an affinity for that leads to them developing the abilities without intention? Should it be straight-up magic? I was thinking of something along the lines of crystals that hold the elemental energy and imbue it to the kids once they discover them. Third: Regardless of how they come across their abilities, I want them to discover them in a haunted house that the kids are dared to spend the night in. So, I would like to know what haunted house you guys would prefer: [url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], or [url=]3[/url]. Just let me know which one you guys want and the one that gets the most votes will be used. :3 It will also kind of set up the setting for the rest of the town as well, but that's not as important and much more flexible for me. :P