Name: Dale Haight Gender: Male Age: 32 Appearance: [url=]Image [/url] Magic: Dale's brand of magic is a tricky beast to tame. He draws a little rune, sygil, diagram, or drawing onto a surface, which can then be turned on by impact, vocal command, or other stimuli. The level of control and fine-tuning is dependent on the tier they occupy. Higher-tier spells take longer to draw, where tier 1 can be drawn with a finger in the dirt, tier 5 needs a chalk and tier ten, penmanship. Personality: Dale is a good-hearted soul. Some would call him a rough diamond, but he's much more like a carbuncle in that he's synonymous with a skin disease. Jeremy looks out for himself first, his friends second, and his enemies last. He considers himself learned and knowledgeable in most practical respects, although very rusty on the theoretical aspects of most fields. Dale has a stubborn streak, and to this day, calls AMA "Matteran' ". Dale acts very territorial, and will defend his hearth to the last scrap of flesh in his body. Dale has a tendency not to see social lines or barriers, such as how flipping of a Sky Brigadier could net him a severe beating. Dale looks down on scholars, members of Heaven's Hand, yet feels at ease around Marked Ones. While he respects the ideals of the Sky brigade, he prefers that they wouldn't infringe on his personal freedoms. Background: (Unfinished and VEY Sketchy.) Dale was born to small, not-well off family in a small tribal community called Teeterlands, so named because of being almost outside of Atlas Sky brigade protection, and halfway encroached on Outlands territory. Dale grew up making law with his own fists, fighting other street kinds for fun.As hew grew older, he took up odd-jobs down the pits to earn a livable wage, like most kids in Teetertown do. Theme: [url=]