Name: Kel'Torak Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Human (Stunted) Color(s): B/G Personality: Surprisingly from his form he is a pleasant individual to those who speak with him. Kel’Torak speech is calm and quiet with hints of compassion towards others. He seems constantly fascinated by both the grotesque and beautiful, as if both were one. A plague sloughing the bones from the afflicted intrigues him as much as the birth of an entirely new creature, they are the same to him. Appearance: Misshapen for his kind and looking entirely inhuman with large luminous eyes. He wears a set of dark green and brown robes with a blackened cowl to hide his features. They are marred from his constant exposure to life’s many forms and stages. His left arm is constantly rotting to develop new forms of life from its decay, while his right arm is continuously thriving to foster new means of death to hold it in check. He is short of stature, drawn in and unobtrusive, but when roused his presence seems to fill the space around him like a creeping mold or vine. History: "Enter those who are starving and sick. You are welcome among the Swarm when the rest of Ravnica rejects you." Kel'Torak grew up shunned by all who saw him, struggling to scrape out a life among the scraps left by others. With desperation he accepted the message upon the entrances of the Swarm and delved into the under-city, finding safety and food in the dark recesses of the world. However even his small frame was large enough to be a decent sized morsel for the less discerning members of the Golgari. He grew up as part of the cycle of life and death, hunting and being hunted, witnessing predation from the smallest seedlings on corpses to that of insects tearing apart monstrosities. In a twisted way the lesson taught was no matter how small or large, anything can be consumed. In this environment many times Kel'Torak came close to death and with each time his powers stirred. Finally his connection to the land and its dead bloomed in him, granting the powers of a Golgari Druid, wielder of the forces of growth and decay. With his powers came the ability to foster life even in its darkest most meager forms. Kel’Torak set out to help that which creeps and sneaks thrive until it consumes even the mightiest beings. But many on Ravnica would see moss and mold burned away or insects decimated, driving Kel’Torak to seek a way to keep those who would cleanse Ravnica to their own liking in check. Edit: Not Yet Awakened to his Spark, Will save that for when we stumble upon inter planar shenanigans.