"That seems like a simple plan Sebastian, but see here, Dahlia has fear and force in her side which make people start to do things. You've got brains, that's good. But I think people are more worried about being hurt more than anything" Anastasia said and shrugged her shoulders "That's why my vote goes for Dahlia" She then narrowed her eyes at Flint "A stick is still a stick, even when they have fancy names. And are you threatening me?" Anastasia took a step towards Flint, her accent becoming harsher "You [i]ebl[/i]-" Anastasia was then cut off when Lauren stepping between Flint and her. Lauren warned them and Anastasia began to skim the pamphlet and the school rules. Sebastian then stood up and declared that it was time to vote. She smirked as she walked and stood beside Dahlia. [i]This school year will certainly be interesting at the least[/i] she thought to herself.