His body remains tense even as he walks closer to the calm looking animal. However when it begins rearing again he pauses, giving the prince the chance to calm it down. It is not as if he wishes to kill the beast, however Rei has never been one to do things half way. So when he took the job as the prince's defender, he became hyper sensitive to anything that could bring the man harm. He watches as Alessandro slips easily from the saddle and relaxes a bit. The skill of the prince at handing his horse allows Rei some piece of mind, however his hand remains on his blade none the less. His hand remains in place even after the animal is tied up, the threat not quite gone yet. The filly butts at his back a bit and with on hand he reaches back and pats her nose, his eyes never leaving his target. [i]'I am sure it is fine now. But I will not risk it'[/i] When the prince begins speaking he turns his eyes on to the young man and listens intently. Rei likes learning, even if it's not from a book. Eventually the prince turns to look at him and he tilts his head slightly. With a nod he murmurs loud enough for the other to hear, “I agree, I will be.” Not wanting to disturb the large black Rei steps aside and motions that the prince is free to tie her up should he wish. Walking off of the path a bit he looks around, thinking back to the boy's question. Rei does not really have judgments on things unless they are pertinent to his job, so before he can answer, he must first form an opinion. He looks this way and that, taking in as much as he can see, and feeling out the things he can't see, until at last he comes up with an answer he feels is true. Turning to the prince he catches his eye. “This place is calm and beautiful. According to your human traditions and belief, an excellent place to rest one's body after death.” His head tilts to the side and he adds, “I also think you are. . . . Better, when not around other humans. You feel. . . .False around them.” ~*~*~*~*~*~ “Did you see where he went?” “No! When did you see him last?” “This morning, in class but. . .” He turns away from the voices, his eyes set on a different goal. He wants to see him. He wants to talk to him. There is something he has to know. He alone holds the answers, and no matter what it takes, he is willing to go the distance. A small pack on his back and a traveling hood to cover his nature, the little fae boy sets off towards his goal with a set look on his face.