As the sun blinded Ghost for a brief moment, he knew what he must do... His members all have fallen to the enemies... And nows he must restore their honor... To fight and take revenge upon those who slayed his brothers and sisters in battle... No one would remain alive... and his scar would be proof of his vaul... He would become even stronger and will bring back the honor of the Black Ones back to its glorious state it once had... The Black Ones were feared by many enemies... And now we are nothing but a pile of ash... Just Ghost was left of the team that once bloomed so high... As his eyes were filled with darkness, he knew that he had to move on... Keep looking forward and become even stronger... The letter in his hand would make him be able to grow even stronger than before! He would surpass any other pokemon and will become the greatest... But he must never leave his purpose out of sight... Gaining his revenge... As he walked closer to the city, he knew he would be able to soon see the teammembers that he would fight along side with, he wasn't a leader that was for sure... But he certainly wasn't a follower eather! He would always do what felt right for him, and not what others commanded him to do! That was Ghost's way of life, only do what you want to do, and never get commanded to do something! For he wasn't a dog... Not anymore! As Ghost walked into Wisp he knew he woudnt stray from his path, he would keep on walking untill he would collaps... Or even die... But for now he just had to find the building where they had to meet up, Ghost kept walking untill he found the building and stept inside of it, seeing that no one else was here yet, he just sat down in one of the dark corners of the building, waiting for any other pokemon to enter and to be able to observe them.