Katherin searched through all the bodies looking for her leader. She wasnt sure what she thought of this new school. She planned to make the best of it. "Can anyone point me in the direction of the leader for the savant leader?" She was sure that the group had chosen a leader. She was sure the leader had been choosen for a reason. She was willing to give that leader a chance to prove themselves. --------------------- Liz stood shyly on the sidelines.she was perfectly happy watching. But she knew she couldn't watch forever. Eventually she would have to introduce herself to the leader of her group. She was pretty sure she knew which one was the leader of the Halcoyon group, but to be sure she softly asked. "Who is in charge of the Hslcoyon group.?" ----------------------- "Sedition? That's doesn't seem that a very good name for a group of troublemakers." Roxy tossed her flier into the trash. She didn't care about being part of a group. She had no desire to belong. If they wanted her they were going to have to prove themselves worth of her attentions. "So who is the supposed leader of this group of want to bes?