Blink managed to weasel her way through the crowd and towards the building that had been once been the main city hall of Wisp. There were multiple floors; the first being a library, the second was a set of meeting rooms, and the top floor was a storage area. From what she had heard over the past few days, they had emptied all of the rooms on the second two floors in order to house the Pokemon gathered to be part of Hope's Eyes. She ignored the stares that she received by the merchants still attempting to sell their wares at a fair price, especially when so many went hungry due to the lack of Poke (the world's currency) circulating. With a small bark, she managed to startle a few passers-by that were blocking the front door to her new "guild". Glancing around, she noticed that the library was gracefully untouched, and she gave a sigh of relief at that. Then, as the posters informed all of the recruits to go to the third floor where the makeshift dining and meeting hall was. The young Vulpix trotted up the stairs and sat down at the back of the medium sized crowd. Of course, many of the Pokemon on the island would refuse to be recruited and leave their homes and their families behind, so she felt almost angry at that. [i]They should be fighting to protect them... but then again... we're not guaranteed to return when we find all of the Legendaries.[/i] With that bitter thought, she glanced to and fro and caught sight of a Riolu, who was probably a refugee to the island, as they had very few of them here to begin with. She quickly looked away, hoping not to make herself seem obnoxious or nosy. [i]I can't screw this up. I must give Vix and the guild something to be proud of.[/i]