Yes! I am done! Holy cow XD That was insanity, and I loved it!! Shit really came down, huh? I’m so happy that Vee is dead, or presumably dead... she was hit by a car so I’m gonna assume that she’s dead. And also, Piper! WTF, haha, I can’t believe she ratted Alex out. And then Larry and Polly! I’m actually glad that Larry is out of the picture and Piper and Alex can just be together because I love them, but still! Haha, yeah it was just a really awesome season. It [i]was[/i] so cool! It had to have been four or five years ago now... oh man it doesn't seem like that long ago! Wowie... Woah! That sounds like such a cool trip, I bet he'll have so much fun. And oh shit! Little Miss Rebellious over here :D You got a tattoo behind your parents back? Dude, that's fucking mint. I respect you for that. Aha, I want one really badly but my parents already said that if I wanted to get one for my birthday next year I could so I won't have to do it behind their backs. The most "rebellious" thing I've ever done was with a boy, and I also lie to my parents [i]a lot[/i]. The most rebellious thing I plan on doing... well lots. It kinda ties in with "what I'm going to do this summer" and the answer is everything. I've finally met people who actually accept me for me and it is so fucking nice not to have to tiptoe around them and just do what I wanna do. I know there is a lot of shit planned out for this summer, like parties, road trips, etc. ‘Tis going to be great! It’s the worse when someone you care for does something that breaks your heart. So I do very much agree with the “love yourself first” thing, even though it is so hard not to depend on other people and I am doing a very poor job at it. I also like that bit about how you view yourself can affect how others treat you and how you accept affection from other people. It makes sense that if you have doubts about yourself and how lovable you are then you would be wary of other peoples intentions. I think that might be half my problem, because try as I might sometimes it is very hard to see all good, all the time. As for anticipating people getting bored of you, while when that happens to me I don’t push others away I do things that I think will make them not bored of me. Which is equally not as good, depending on the situation. As for being around people to heal, I find it easier to deal with stuff when I am around other people. When I’m alone I tend to overthink things and I end up making a small problem bigger and bigger until it feels insurmountable. *Flips hair* Thanks ;) And haha, no I don’t watch Hockey!! But where I live there is this lake and the year that the Pens won (I’m pretty sure it was the Pens, don’t hold it to me ‘cause I may be wrong) Sidney Crosby skidooed around the lake with the cup, so that was cool. Soccer, huh? Well that sounds fun! What team is winning? He makes me really happy :) And he is so fucking cute oh my god! Like to be perfectly honest I am texting him right now and all I want is to go jump in his bed with him and cuddle and watch movies and cuddle and talk and cuddle. Mostly I just want to cuddle him. Okay, I am done... he is perfect. I’M DONE, I AM DONE, GRADE 10 YOU CAN SUCK IT BECAUSE FUCK YOU I AM DONE AND IT IS SUMMER AND YES! - Me coming out of my exam today. Damn, I am so happy that it’s over with! I am totally ready to just sleep for a solid two months xD And yes! It is going to be so great. We haven't started the routine yet but I do know that it is going to be Fosse style and involve umbrellas so that is cool! Oh, and oh my god, guess what!!! We got the cast list back for Nutcracker and I got the Arabian lead!!! I am so pumped XD Edit: I am working on your post now, but I may not get it up until next week sometime! I'm going to be away from the house until tuesday night for the most part, but I'll get it done ASAP :*