Name: Kosso Irak Age: 33 Gender: Male Race: Drell Class: Adept Appearance: [img=] Kosso is tall (6 ft, 5 in) with a wiry frame bolstered by a lean musculature. His skin is a green so pale it borders on gray, and his face is quite unremarkable, by Drell standards, free of noticeable scars or other deformities. Background: Kosso was born in the year 2146 CE on the Hanar homeworld of Kahje. His parents, both closely tied with a notable Hanar family, respected the contract between the Drell and the Hanar immensely, and continued their tradition of service by offering their son's loyalty as well. From a young age, Kosso was groomed to become a bodyguard for a wealthy Hanar client. His childhood was an isolated, lonely experience. Within one of the smaller "dry-domes" on Kahje's surface, most days were spent being trained in the art of combat. It was here he picked up skills that would guide him throughout his life; he became proficient with all manners of close-quarters combat, and by the age of 13 could disarm and incapacitate any enemy that his mentors threw at him. Though he showed great promise, especially in the use of biotics, in his teenaged years Kosso decided that he didn't want to spend the rest of his life on Kahje as a simple guard. He wanted to see the galaxy and to live a fulfilling life, and to that end he stowed away on a freighter bound for the Citadel, leaving behind his very ashamed parents. And so it was that Kosso arrived on one of the seedier wards of the citadel at the age of 16, with only a few credits to his name and no idea of where to go next. Life was not easy for Kosso. He found odd jobs here and there, but his surly attitude and lack of any marketable skills kept him coasting in and out of employment. It didn't take him very long to realize that the grand life he wanted for himself was still nowhere within reach, even though he had left the bright, confining bio-domes of Kahje behind. He had a choice to make: catch a ride back home, or find a job that utilized the skills he had spent the majority of his childhood honing. He chose the later. A job as a bouncer at a dirty, lower-ward strip club evolved into a career within the lower rungs of a small organized crime group operating solely on the Citadel. Here, his skills finally served him well. For a while, he worked as a simple henchman: performing shakedowns, the occasional robbery or participating in the latest smattering of gang violence. His actions may have been morally reprehensible, but that didn't matter. He had been groomed since birth to serve as an unthinking tool for a Hanar's benefit; now, he exercised his new-found free agency with a sort of unrestrained glee. Every job was one he chose to do, and each was exciting, adrenaline filled and vivid. That was all well and good, but it turns out that living without a plan for the future isn't always the greatest idea. Kosso was eventually buried in debt, all of it owed to the very crime lords he worked for. Loans had been given and not repaid, and now some very powerful people were getting angry. Just when he thought he might have to flee the Citadel, Kosso was approached by an Eclipse recruiter, who seemed impressed with his biotic prowess and offered him a position in the group, where he could be further trained. At this point, Kosso owed both C-sec and his own employers a lot of money, and with no other options, he accepted. For the next few years Kosso did occasional contracts for Eclipse and further honed his biotic powers. He stayed away from jobs that involved potential murder or assault, instead working with illicit substance transport and, quite ironically, working as a bodyguard for certain wealthy clients. Luckily for him, Eclipse was not too demanding of its members, and allowed him to choose most of his own contracts as long as he did exceptional work (which he always did). As promised, Kosso's biotic skills were also tested and trained. Kosso had never been around so many other biotics before, and his drive to succeed within the group drove him to become a master biotic, with his own close-quarters combat style. This was a comfortable life, and it enabled Kosso to pay off his debts and even accumulate a small amount of savings. Just when he was thinking about dropping out of the group, however, he met an Asari maiden named Suna. Suna was a highly-esteemed Eclipse commando, and the two became fast friends during their first job together. Afterwards, they became lovers, and developed a strong relationship over the following years. They worked incredibly well together, playing off of each other’s strengths, and soon they found themselves high within the ranks of Eclipse, an elite two-person strike team that could be called upon to resolve the missions that regular Eclipse commandos were not subtle or witty enough to accomplish. Specifically, the two practically ran Eclipse’s smuggling operations. Red sand, pilfered weapons, stolen tech: they saw it all, and their actions made them practical heroes of the criminal underworld. Kosso didn't quite believe in the concept of "soulmates," but Suna was almost enough to change his mind. However, the Drell could never shake the fact that he would die long, long before his partner (who was only around 200 years old), and convinced his lover to start living to the fullest, in an attempt to cram as many exciting experiences together as possible before he died. Suna, touched by his passion and vigor and looking for a little excitement herself, consented. The two began a wild and dangerous gambit. They took whatever interesting contract they were offered by Eclipse, no matter how dangerous or strange. They dove headlong into the galactic drug trade in which they had before only dabbled, sampling as much product as they sold. At the same time, they began (secretly) selling information about Eclipse to any and all buyers, including the Alliance, C-sec and the Shadow Broker's network of spies. It was a dangerous and exhilarating game they were playing, and they knew that if they were caught they would be executed by the very group that employed them. But it did have its rewards, and between the contracts and the information leaking on the side, the two became very wealthy. They used their money wildly and without regard for the future, and they were happy. Those were the best years of Kosso's life. Of course, that couldn't last. Kosso planned one of his largest and potentially-profitable betrayals: he alerted C-sec about a very important Eclipse smuggling deal happening on the Citadel, and helped them set up a sting operation. The operation was botched. Kosso lost his lover, and Eclipse caught on to his betrayal. Luckily, his wealth and the vast network of allies he had built for himself in the years prior gave him means to escape, at least temporarily. Though he knew he should head to the borderworlds, small colonies where he could lie low, something kept him hanging around. Perhaps it was a sense that he had unfinished business, perhaps it was just a continuation of his self-destructive behavior. Whatever it was, he spent a couple of years bouncing around the galaxy, with Eclipse assassins always one step behind. Somehow, he managed to evade them time after time, their constant failures only edging them on. Humiliated that one of their own had managed to betray them (if only for a while), Eclipse stayed on the hunt. No matter how good he was, Kosso knew he couldn’t evade his pursuers forever. Finally, with his credits dwindling and his luck about to run out, he caught wind of a small group of people with big aspirations to form a mercenary squad. The would-be merc company was looking for a suitable ship to house their operations, and Kosso, realizing that he had stumbled upon an opportunity he could not ignore, contacted them and set them up with one of his old friends in a Volus shipyard. With his help (and the majority of his remaining credits), the team was able to grab a ship that was well above their paygrade: A sleek, relatively modern Turian frigate to be named the Tyrus. In return, Kosso joined the new mercenaries, ensuring himself a way to utilize his skills while finally dodging the heat that had followed him for the last few years. His time with Nova was interesting, certainly. Though he never really trusted the majority of his crewmates, working as part of a group helped him realize that his lone wolf lifestyle just wouldn't cut it anymore. When the group disbanded (due in part to the fact that the ship Kosso had recommended to them turned out to be highly illegal), he set out to make a new living with the one Nova crew member he'd actually bonded with, the human ex-marine Tanya. The two of them worked exceedingly well together, and Tanya became the first person in nearly three years to earn Kosso's (nearly) complete trust. The two of them bought their own scrapper of a ship and wandered the galaxy for the next two years, taking odd jobs, smuggling illicit materials and hunting the occasional bounty. It was a good time, probably one of the best Kosso had had in a long time. Of course that meant it couldn't last. With Siame industries beginning to pose a new threat to their way of life, the two of them decided it was about time they actually did something about it. Equipment: Elanus Risk Control Light Duelist Armor (in chest, leg and arm pieces. Modified to be worn in unison with traditional Drell longcoat) Elanus Risk Control Predator Pistol Polaris Bio-amp Powers Reave Throw Stasis Warp Ammo