[img=http://i62.tinypic.com/2v10y0x.jpg] Name: Yaeder Bruscov Age: 173 Gender: M Color(s): Colorless Personality: Yaeder is a very slow and thoughtful person, but tends to be quite hot-headed. He is the most dedicated and loyal member of the Transguild Promenade, literally working 24/7 as their librarian, day and night guard, occasional chef, and full-time artificer. Many of the other members refer to him as a friend because of his pleasant personality, and occasionally as a mentor. He has a habit of organizing books, often depending on their varying information and sizes. History: In his past, long before he joined the Transguild Promenade, Yaeder had stumbled upon an Aether Vial while searching for a cure to a disease wreaking havoc on his body. Unable to find the concoction through normal means, he went to the black market, where he was given a "cure-all that would last a lifetime". Despite the intent of the seller, the contents did exactly as they were advertised; Yaeder was cured permanently of anything that would kill him.... Including death itself. He was given magic, which he had never had before, along with eternal life. While he was originally overjoyed by this, it quickly turned to loneliness as he watched the people he knew die around him. While he would eventually rejoin society, Yaeder didn't want to lose the people he cared about again. He shut himself away into an abandoned workshop, where he "made" some friends; metallic, loyal, and equally as undying as himself. During his retreat, he began to see visions in his head of devices in worlds outside of his own; perhaps a side-effect of the Aether. While he ignored them for some time, he eventually started building them. Despite enjoying the company of his automatons and machines, Yaeder found himself longing for something. Although unsure about what, it became realized after leaving the worn building. One day, a bird flew through a crack in the window and stole a metal gear from his desk. In pursuit, Yaeder hopped onto a metallic chimera and flew out after it. While he was doing so, he saw a man being overpowered by a group of people. Stopping his chase, Yaeder dove down to help the man. After the rescue, the man thanked him, but then told him something slightly unsettling; because he had killed those men, an entire guild of people would now be out for his head. However, rather than simply leave him with that information, Yaeder was offered protection from them. But how would that single man be able to help him escape from thousands? It turned out, that the man was not alone; he belonged to the Transguild Promenade. Although he had never heard of it before, Yaeder decided he might as well take the offer. On that day, Yaeder Bruscov became the eternal member of the Transguild Promenade. As for what was troubling him, he finally realized that what he needed was someone to talk to. Animated figures could provide company, indeed, but they could not talk. While he didn't enjoy farewells, it was far better for him to be with people than without. Other: Enjoys mashed potatoes.