Scythe's sharp blue eyes nimbly leaped from Pokémon to Pokémon as he pondered his comrade's words. They eventually landed on a Vulpix, and he noted how she looked down, as if she wanted to cry. His heart went out to the young ones. He was rather young himself, being a young adult, but he felt as if he was an elder to the large amount of young children in the room. He finally spoke up, his calm voice dropping an octave lower. "I truly hope that they cannot." The Scyther glanced up as the leader, an optimistic and happy Clefairy, stood in front of the small crowd, addressing everyone as equals. Scyther was a rather tall Pokémon, and his eyes pierced the Clefairy's own as she began her small speech. [b]"You have all been selected to stand with Sakura Isle in an attempt to promote peace on the mainland. Whether you were chosen to represent a guild or to represent a family, or you just happen to be a refugee, it no longer matters. In order to stand as a single unit, a single family, we must rid ourselves of our pasts and look towards a brighter future. The Queen has received word from a guild, one who is not corrupt by the promise of power, that there is still hope of restoring peace. In order to do so, I'm sure many of you believe that the Legendaries have turned their backs on us commoners, but it is quite the opposite."[/b] Scythe raised an invisible eyebrow, pushing off of the wall and observing the speech even closer. Despite the fact that he and Ghost was in the back of the crowd, he heard every word loud and clear, and his interest was piquing. [b]"It is believed that there is an organization on the mainland that has managed to subdue the Legendaries, maybe even nullify their powers to the point of near extinction, but they still live! It is up to this new guild, Hope's Eye, to find and restore the power of the Legendaries once again." The Cleffairy shuddered as she looked down at the notes that she was referring to. Then she continued after a short pause, "Some of you may not return to your homes, if you live here on the Isle, while others of you may fall under the corruption. Death is nearly inevitable for some, but can lead to an eternity of hope and peace if sacrifices are made."[/b] Scythe spoke up, his voice quiet and soft, yet powerful enough to echo off the walls, "For visual Peace, I shall vanquish our Foes...even if the biggest Foe may be myself..."