It. was. hot. SO. HOT. Her feet hurt. She was hungry. And she was tired. And why, did they actually send her a letter saying to come here? She had no interest in the problems of some stupid warring kingdoms. For all she cared, they could all go kill each other and she'd pick over the remains and take anything she wanted too. Yet, even as she thought that...something, was compelling her to go. Perhaps this could be a good opportunity? Still, the little Ralts was not in a very good mood at all. She was wearing a scowl on her face and walked with an aggressive gait. Most pokemon were giving her a wide berth, knowing full well that if they got in the little pokemons way she was likely to literally send them flying. She may be small, but she had some very impressive psychic powers. Growing up in the wilderness alone tended to make ones abilities...sharply honed. She reached the meeting place with relative ease, aside from the heat, her sore feet and hunger. She looked to be one of the last ones to arrive, from the look of the somewhat large group of pokemon already gathered. She took a seat near the back of the room, glad to be off her feet. She had traveled quite a ways in a very short amount of time. She had used her psychic abilities to teleport quite a ways, but ones abilities could only get them so far, and she had to walk the rest of the way. She took a small sandwich out of her satchel that was strapped across her shoulders. She had intended to eat it earlier, but she was interrupted by some morons that thought picking on a small ralts would make for some good fun. It was fun. For her at least. She grinned as she recalled their rather unfortunate accident with a Gyrados's breakfast as she bit into the sandwich and listened while she ate. [i]Welcome, everyone~! You have all been selected to stand with Sakura Isle in an attempt to promote peace on the mainland. Whether you were chosen to represent a guild or to represent a family, or you just happen to be a refugee, it no longer matters. In order to stand as a single unit, a single family, we must rid ourselves of our pasts and look towards a brighter future. The Queen has received word from a guild, one who is not corrupt by the promise of power, that there is still hope of restoring peace. In order to do so, I'm sure many of you believe that the Legendaries have turned their backs on us commoners, but it is quite the opposite. It is believed that there is an organization on the mainland that has managed to subdue the Legendaries, maybe even nullify their powers to the point of near extinction, but they still live! It is up to this new guild, Hope's Eye, to find and restore the power of the Legendaries once again. Some of you may not return to your homes, if you live here on the Isle, while others of you may fall under the corruption. Death is nearly inevitable for some, but can lead to an eternity of hope and peace if sacrifices are made. Now, our task may be a little more difficult than we initially anticipated. As we all know, the Legendaries hid themselves away only to be found when we were in need of them most. Many of them have vanished from their resting places, or so our sources have said. Many that we believed to be hiding in their caves surrounded by shrines are no longer there. Our first take will be to locate them before we make our move into their rescue and revival. The Queen has already ordered many of our Flying-Types to go seek out areas that may be suspicious, so it may take some time before we can take action. Until we are able to locate at least one of the Legendaries, we shall train here. In order to protect our own, we must learn to become a single family, because nothing--not even torture or death--can tear one apart."[/i] Well, that was some speech. By the time Clefairy had finished, Lucine had finished eating the sandwich and was feeling much better. It all sounded like a long shot to her, especially the part about finding the legendaries. She honestly had no real reason to even go through with this, aside from maybe she'd get to return to the mainland, though that wasn't really much of a good thing. She didn't have many pleasant memories of that place. Still, she was here and she had nothing better to do so she might as well go through with it. She'd probably be able to get into plenty of fights and be able to get stronger without getting in trouble at least. She looked around at the other pokemon, suddenly feeling very, very alone. She didn't really know anyone here, and she was a bit unsure of what she should do next. Shifting somewhat uncomfortably in her seat, she remained quiet and waited.