Elsweyr Until a new leader can be instated, the Imperial administration have taken over the running of Elsweyr and the legion have taken to the streets in hopes to avert any unrest Valenwood "Legionairres, follow me to glory!" Called the Legate, as he pointed his sword up to the bosmer. "Legionairres in front, Archer up back, battlemages on the sides, be ready for a fight" The Emperors legionaries marched after the Legate, who in turn marched after the Bosmer that were leading them. The Archers had their arrows on hand and the legionaries had their swords at the ready. Something about this woods put them all on edge, as though they expected the Altmer to jump out at any moment... And they might not be too far from the truth is they expected this. Summit The Emperor nodded in response, and though he tried not to let it show, he was obviously crestfallen that only one of those he had invited had actually turned up "Very well, let's begin. The Thalmor are a cunning an dangerous foe, and they are inevitably the foe of all the races of men, that much is certain. And being a cunning foe, they watch and wait for their time, their opportunity to strike and cast us down, enslaving us. They will achieve this of we let them, that is inevitable also." The Emperor began, looking at them each in turn "Are we to let them? Or will the races of men... And indeed in the case of the Bretons, the various kingdoms, take their blades from each others throats and turn them to the Thalmor. That means no damned pirates raiding the Redguards and no personal vendetta's in High Rock. High rock must look like easy pickings to the elves, and we all know if they get their chance they will destroy all your kingdoms, duchys or republics. But if we turn our blades to them, then the tables have turned. If we can get the Nords and the Redguards as well, then the Thalmor will no longer be looking at little warring nations with a grin, but at the united armies of half a continent. The high elves stare down at us past their perfumed noses, thinking that they are better than us, they hate us... But together, we can give them a reason for hate. When Summerset falls, when the elves are crushed, when the Aldmeri dominion lies in tatters... Then we can return to our petty conflicts, if they mean that much"