Ryland stepped up to the out of place looking building, adjusting the strap of her oxygen bag as she did so. The gravel parking lot made it impossible for her to roll the trolley up to the door, and carrying it had her so out of wind that she thought she would pass out. What a great idea…not. She leaned over a bit, breathing deeply through her nose as she contemplated walking into the possible confines, or simply whipping out a cell phone and telling her mom that the doctors were idiots and she wasn't attending such a quack show. She gave a small cough, before standing straight and dropping her bag onto the floor. With a tug, a small handle came to snap in place at her hip, and she rolled the trolley into the doors. "You need some help?", a male voice called from behind her. Her brain jolted, and she narrowed her eyes before turning on the younger boy, "Sorry…I didn't mean to scare you. You just looked like you were a bit…tired?" "I'm fine.", she spat, continuing her walk into the building. "You don't look find. You look like death.", the boy continued, causing a sigh of annoyance to leave Ryland's throat, "I didn't mean it like that. Oh my god, you must think I'm such a dick…" She pursed her lips together, and nodded, "I know you are. What the hell are you in here for? Mommy not buy you a new car today?" "I deserved that…", the boy admitted, shrugging as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Ryland simply stared at him, her eyes narrowed so far that she could barely see, "My name's Adam." "Mmm..Baker, right? Must be nice…" Adam ignored her smart mouth, stepping a bit closer, "So what's your name? Why are you here?" "You never answered my question. Why should I answer yours? I don't know you…", Ryland snapped, realizing that the door has been wide open this entire time. "…Clinical Depression…" A snarled laugh left Ryland's throat as she doubled and attempted to keep her breathing regulated, while laughing hard. "Glad I could amuse with my pain…", Adam scoffed, biting his lip softly as he stared at her, "My turn…questions." "Name's Ryland. I'm here because I almost died, and my doctor thinks I'm fucked in the head, now.", she explained dryly, which took Adam off guard. "Such a sharp tone for a girl like you…" "A girl like me? Tell me. What would a girl like me say, then? Oh dear….I went through chemo and lost all of my hair. I have it back now, but it feels fake because the radiation destroyed the follicles. Oh poor innocent little Ryland. Boohoo. Don't let the eyes fool you. I've been through a lot…" "I can tell. Look. You don't owe me anything. I don't know you, but I think you owe it to yourself to give this place a shot…", Adam almost whispered, standing in the doorway, his arm ushering her in. She glared at him for a second longer, and then passed his body, entering the cold and sterile building that everyone hoped would be their saving grace, apparently.