HeyNow: The DryadxRanger/Woodsman one is still open. Send me a PM with a writing sample and we can move from there. PyroDash: Sorry, yes, that one has already been taken, though not by the above poster. I have had a LOT of interest in my RPs, as you can see by the number of them that are struck through. Sinful Skills: I like your sample and can tell that you are a good roleplayer. Your characters are interesting, but I normally put a bit more in the CS for them. PM me and we can discuss it further. ^_^ To Everyone Else: As I told PyroDash, I've had a LOT of interest in my roleplays and so have already started 15 or so new RPs. I thank all of you wonderful ladies who expressed interest in my ideas as it was much more than I was hoping for. ^_^ However, I'm going to have to shut down this interest check now, since if I took on any more I'd have too many to handle. So, as of right now (1:30 in the morning on 6-20-14) I'm no longer going to be starting any new RPs. That is, unless I've already sent you a message or replied to your message telling you to PM me. If I've done either of those, then we are still on, but any new RP requests are going to be rejected. Again, sorry to those who might have wanted to try one my ideas, but I don't want to get so swamped that I lose track of them.