Late! Late, late late! Grout had been doing a mining job out near the mountains to gain a little extra poke when he had got the letter. It looked expensive with nice paper and a fancy crest. After reading it Grout had learned he had been summoned to the capital, Wisp. He didn't know why he was chosen, maybe it was that noble he had saved? Or maybe it was because of his skills at digging. Either way it mattered little because his ride had been held up for hours and he was most certainly late. While the clanking of his steel feet hitting the ground was warning enough for others to get out of the way, the little pokemon was still only several inches over one foot and many of the bigger pokemon just couldn't hear him. It had happened to an Ursaring who just wouldn't get out of the way. Using his momentum and a little more speed, Grout had smashed past him. While yelling out an apologetic sorry, Grout kept moving. He had to get to the meeting. As he neared the building that the letter told him to be at Grout noticed the great increase in people around it. Distraught Grout tried using one last thing he could. Jumping in the air Grout landed down and started to do what he does best, dig. The stone used to make the steps was little harder to move but he still advanced at an admirable speed. Poking out at the head of the stairs Grout quickly and quietly nudged the door open, hopefully not making to much noise as he continued to clang into the meeting which was apparently about going on a quest. Well its not like he had anything better to do and besides, if he refused he would probably be more ostracized than he already was being a refugee and all. So he waited and listened, as the clefairy continued its speech Groat realized that this was a dire situation. When the clefairy asked for volunteers Grout was hesitant. If he were to go than who would look out for the other diggers he had made friends with? They were paid not nearly enough to do what they did and the only reason they were paid what they were was because, quite frankly, Grout scared the graveler who ran the operation. However if he did do this than he could actually gain control of the miners, giving them a chance. Plus he was close to evolving, he could just feel it. Like a static that had been building for awhile now, just waiting to be let out. Maybe this adventure could give him the final push needed he needed. Raising his voice, Grout said "I volenteer for this mission!" with a surprising amount of confidence, even to himself.