So hey, here are some characters. For some reason or another, I have ideas for two more, but than I'd have my own team at that point. So here are two guys who I actually bothered to finish up, see what you think. [hider=Character One]Name: Malakaus Nickname: Orcneas Species: Boar Faunas (They refer to themselves as Orcneas) Age: 17 Aura Colour: Translucent Semblance: Friction - Malakaus can control the level of Friction he's putting onto an object or objects that touch him. This allows him to do such things as slide across rough terrain, walk on walls and water, and more importantly, keep himself rooted when he's using his weapon. He can extend his Friction to other thing's hes touching to an extent. Weapon: [url=]Scarlet Terror[/url], Part Impact Chainsaw, Part Machine Gun. Dust: The Scarlet Terror's bullets are made with typically explosive Dust for rapid-fire explosions, though he can also change to Incendiary if he needs increased Penetration, or more sadistically, [i]Healing[/i] if he needs to subdue someone non-lethally or just hurt someone really badly. Other Equipment: Malakaus also wears armor that he crafted for himself back at Signal. Fairly heavy on anyone but him, who wears and walks around in it like it's just any other t-shirt. Malakaus cares for it well, as it is unblemished and shiny. Skills & Abilities: Malakaus, like some of his fellow Orcneas, is physically strong and durable, and they often increase their survivability by donning heavy armor for battle. This does make them rather slow and cumbersome, but Malakaus makes up for his fairly average speed with his ability to position himself in places no other normally can; he would often move himself with as much speed as he can muster to locations that others cannot normally stay on for long periods of time, like the ceiling or on narrow ledges. Thus Malakaus has the astonishing ability to be stealthy, moving around undetected until it's time to unleash hell. Malakaus himself is a rather crafty person who is more than willing to set up traps or make weapons and hazards from random objects if it means victory, and has a savant-like ability to operate/temper with weaponry and certain machines related to weaponry. In combat, Malakaus's fighting style typically revolves around shooting you to bits or pressing his chainsaw against your body, often by surprise. He's a very stationary fighter, but don't mistake that as being slow; when it comes to melee he is lighting-fast, much to the surprise of anyone who thought he would be slow to react due to the share size of him and his weapon. He is also quite a threatening hand-to-hand grappler, who can take a hit to the face if it means grabbing a hold of you and using his massive strength to paste you. Description: [img][/img] A green skinned giant, even though he's only 17 he stands at six feet ten inches, and that's if he's not wearing his armor, which elevates him to a whopping seven feet tall. He weights over two hundred pounds, and around two-fifty in armor. Three hundred if he has the Scarlet Terror with him. He has Black Hair which he often ties back into a low ponytail that goes a bit past his shoulders. His eyes are a solid black; no whites, no iris, they're like black marbles. He seems to be able to see perfectly fine, though he does admit that his eyes take time to adjust with under sunlight. He has nightvision. Personality: Malakaus is boisterous, but also something of a bully. He often looks down upon Humans and Fauna who do not stand up against him, and even than he sees those who do as fair game for his nonsense. This is due to his upbringing, which demands that he must assert himself as the "Strongest" among others who could compete with him in power. He does have his own share of respect however, depending on how you go about with dealing with him. Merely standing up to him is not enough to earn his respect. If you defeat him in battle utterly, he will understand his place and no longer bother you. Be defeated and he will see you as an underling who he will punish if you keep defying him. But if it is a close battle, he will see you as a rival of whom he must defeat. Even if you're his ally he won't think much of you beyond what you can offer him in battle. To be his friend is quite a challenge indeed, one that even he cannot achieve. He's very much aware of how combat-focused he is, and he will admit that it's all that he's good for. And while Malakaus is a brute, he's also honest. While he can be cunning in a fight outside of it he has no desire to lie or hide secrets. If for some reason he isn't suppose to tell you anything, he will tell you that he won't tell you anything. He also dislikes petty conflicts of things such as race or social standing, and will confront others who act petty themselves. Usually with a blast from the Scarlet Devil. To the very few people who can somehow achieve his friendship, he is quite protective of them, violently so. He seems himself as everyone's guardian and confident, and will stop at nothing to please his friends. Malakaus is a rather sensitive soul, prone to emotional outbursts from both anger and sadness. He can understand other people's plights and give them space and condolences as needed, and often can pick up other people's emotions even if they put up a facade. History: Malakaus was born in a litter of eight. His kind were a Fauna variant that were known for their bestial and brutal lives, whom to outsiders see as nothing more than barbarism and close to being as Grimm as you can. And they would be right; Orcneas had the misfortune to constantly be besieged by Grimm for as long as they have existed. Their never developed arts or culture aside from what is needed to kill Grimm, and for it they are seen as primitives. But Orcneas was capable of one thing that other humans and Faunas could not; they were able to defeat Grimm without the need of Dust or Aura. Orcneas had to trade peace for power, and for it they have the reputation of being some of the fiercest and strongest Hunters in the world. Some of their best have never unlocked their Aura or used weapons more complicated than a rock attached to a sturdy stick. They are a type of Fauna who, after the others managed to carve out a civilization, remained living in the outskirts to continue their past lives of fighting off the Grimm hordes. Malakaus was born into a generation of Orcneas who wanted to try to bring some of their children to "Civilized" society. They would still be raised to become Hunters, but using new means, new weapons. Traditionalist didn't care, and so Malakaus and his brothers and sisters came to the human civilizations to learn their ways of fighting. Fighting that often was turned towards each other; he and his siblings often were met with prejudice from the human populace, and even other Fauna did not take kindly to the monstrous looking kids. It did not help that they reacted to such prejudice with violence. One by one Malakaus would lose siblings, either because they were killed or imprisoned, until only he was left. He had to learn to pick his fights, but he did not want to become meek like some. He became cunning, honing his skills to enact revenge against his enemies while also ensuring that he is never captured for his crimes. He found himself working with extremist groups who wish to fight for equality, something that he agreed with. Eventually however, he left this group when he was reminded by one of his imprisoned siblings why he was here; to become a Hunter. Since than Malakaus tried to shape up and work towards his goal of being a Hunter. But throughout his education he often fought with his fellow students more than he did against Grimm. He got suspected, nearly expelled, and generally feared and hated for living up to the "Fauna Terrorist" stereotype. He cared little for reputation; he fought because he refused to be weak, and if they came to him with trouble he would send them away with pain. Only because of his skill in combat and did he even manage to graduate Signal and move onto Beacon. Other: Out of the seven siblings, four are dead and three are in prison. Malakaus hasn't spoke to his parents since he arrived to the human civilizations. He also doesn't have a surname as his family don't use surnames, but sobriquet they earn from others. May or may not still have ties to certain Fauna extremist groups.[/hider] [hider=Character Two]Name: Yexus Nickname: Bandages, Blindy Species: Human Age: If you're a student, you will be 17, since you're all in first year. Aura Colour: Green Semblance: Mind's Eye - To compensate for his Blindness, Yexus can passively detect all forms of life, be it Human, Fauna, or Grimm, in a wide area around himself. He does not need to be facing you to know where you are. He can also increase up this power in two ways: Clairvoyance allows him to find a specific thing within the world no matter where it is and the quickest way to get to it. As he is using his Clairvoyance however, Yexus does not have his Mind's Eye activated. Satellite is much like his normal Mind's Eye, but allows him to detect things in a much larger area and in more detail, including inanimate things like the scenery and machines. He can only use Satellite a few times a day before he needs to recover from using it so many times. Finally, there's Precognition: He can see the various outcomes of his own future for a short duration, and only within the next few minutes. However, using Precognition removes his Semblance for a while, usually about a day. Weapon: [url=]Silver Crow[/url], Yexus's armor. When not in use it stays in the form of it's green visor. Wearing it amplifies his physical abilities, mostly his Endurance and Speed. The Silver Crow also stimulates his Mind's Eye to allow him to physically see in various forms, such as normal, nightvision, thermal, and a path after he uses Clairvoyance. Additionally, he can create Wings for his armor which not only grants him the ability to fly, but also to use as slashing, a protective shield, and he can fire the "feathers" for ranged attacks. Dust: The Silver Crow requires unique dust to create and maintain it's wings. He also infuses his armor with specific dusts which further increases his speed and defense. Other Equipment: Outside of the Silver Crow Yexus also carries a collapsible cane, as he's blind without equipping the Silver Crow or using Satellite to give him a more define imagine of the world around him. Skills & Abilities: Yexus is a quick study and a generally calm person. This allows him to analyze his battles and take in all relevant information he needs and develop a combat strategy on the spot. Yexus himself is a skilled Martial Artist but also a pragmatic fighter; he knows that his fists aren't always going to be enough to defeat his enemies, so he'll utilize whatever his surroundings provide to him. His Mind's Eye ability allows him greater Situational Awareness than most, allowing him to control the battlefield with his knowledge. In combat Yexus does damage by hinting weak points repeatedly. He hits fast and and moves fast, but just because he's fast don't think that he's fragile. His armor grants him massive damage reduction which will allow him to take hits just as well as he can dodge them. He may not be the strongest, but in a battle of attrition he is the best. Description: [IMG][/IMG] Yexus is blind, and his eyes are a hazy green color. He wears bandages over his eyes as he finds glasses cumbersome, plus they get in the way when he puts on the Silver Crow. Personality: Yexus is a nice guy, almost ridiculously so. Some might even say he's a natural Knight in Shining Armor. Though if you ask him, he's a bit more sour than that. Though he cannot see he has witness the cruelty of the world and doesn't have a very optimistic outlook on life. He still has some morals and fetters though, making him something of a Romanticist trying to act like a Cynic. He wants to do right in the world, however he can, even if some people don't deserve it or what he does is ultimately pointless. Yexus does have a problem with staying out of people's business however. He just can't leave people well enough alone, and always sticks his nose into matters that often has nothing to do with him or are very personal to others. Even if told not to interfere, he'll also be ready to jump at the chance of getting involved, partly out of the need to try to be heroic, but mostly because he's bored. Yes, Yexus tends to do a lot of things because he's bored. Mostly it's harmless enough, weird but otherwise meaningless things, but his boredom can often led him to make an unexpected amount of trouble. This comes from his own complex about feeling useless; being bored to him is basically the same as being useless. So he does something, anything, just so he can think that he matters. History: Yexus was born an orphan. He never knew what became of his parents, but he likes to think that they were Hunters who died trying to protect him. Mostly because it seemed better than the alternative: because he was born blind. He lived in the Orphanage for most of his childhood. It was nice in some ways, as his caretaker was very kind and other children didn't really bother him. But he was a very lonely kid. No one wanted to play with him, adults only treated him nicely because he was blind, and more often than not he was left to "Care for himself" as no one trusted him to do anything himself. But misery builds character. As Yexus grew older, he grew determined. Determined to prove everyone was wrong about him. He wasn't useless, not someone to pity or to dismiss. Still blind, but that didn't stop him from joining Signal. He trained, practiced, sought help from anyone who could provide it. He may have not been born equal, but that wasn't going to stop him from being better. He created the Silver Crow and tapped into his Mind's Eye, granting him greater perception than most. But they were just tools, things to augment his abilities not something he was dependent on. He grew stronger on his own, and plans to continue doing so. He graduated Signal and headed towards Beacon, where he would continue to hone himself until he could become what he thinks his parents were: A Hunter. Other: Yexus is technically emancipated and is on Welfare. Doesn't stop him from running a few part-time jobs just to get some money in his pocket. [/hider]