Kenshin walked back into Caldwell with the rest of his team and thought about had transpired earlier that day. He was still quite ashamed of his outburst while hunting and was completely fine with Fitch’s reaction. In fact, Kenshin had already spoke to him about the incident and thanked the other boy for shaking him out of his funk. He was quite grateful for the support from the rest of the team as well. Contrary to expectations, the event had actually seemed to strengthen the bonds between the group members. This had the effect of improving the team’s combos while hunting. Kenshin and Luna in particular had a few team kills that belonged in the history books. Kenshin would throw a pick to slow an enemy and Luna would peg it with several knives, either killing it or lowering its health enough that one of the others could finish it off with one well-placed Sword Art. And now, Kenshin had a couple new levels and experience points to play with. He had already learned a new Sword Art with them; A powerful two-hit flying strike. He planned on either buying a new sword with his accumulated money or purchasing enough resources to have his current blade upgraded. First things first though. Kenshin needed to find someplace to spend the night. He paid for his rooms a week at a time. The inn in which he had been residing needed its next payment starting today so, naturally, that was his first stop of the day. Before too long, Kenshin found himself outside his home for the foreseeable future: the Cracked Flagon. In keeping with the Victorian London theme of Caldwell, the inn was entirely stone on the outside save for a short wooden porch. The sign hanging from the eaves of the building teetered precariously on a pair of short rusted chains and depicted a wooden mug neigh split in twain up the side due to a crack starting at the base. Kenshin strode in purposefully and walked straight up to the counter at the back of the main room. The NPC manning the inn smiled woodenly as he approached. “Good afternoon, sir. How can I help you? Would you like a beverage,” this was said with a gesture to the sizable bar taking up most of the room, “or do you need a room for the night?” “Hello again, I would like an extension on my room for another week.” The NPC opened up his window to conduct the transaction. “May I have your registration code, sir? It’s just to make sure we extend the correct account.” “The number is 001275860 and the name on the account is WARGOD KENSHIN,” the fighter blushed slightly at this last. The inn had required a two part registration title, probably due to the fact that it usually catered to teams. The NPC found his file and told Kenshin the amount to be paid. As he forked over the Col, a thought occurred to Kenshin, “Hey, innkeeper, can you tell me where I might find the best swordsmith in this town? I have need of a sword upgrade.” The NPC seemed to think for a moment, before giving an address and a detailed description of how to get to the place of business. Kenshin thanked the man and left immediately. Half an hour’s walk later, he arrived at a small open-air iron forge manned by a rather brawny woman in a leather apron and holding a smith’s tools. Kenshin took out his sword and showed the woman. “Hello, my name is Kenshin and I would like to commission your services. As you can see, I use a one-handed curved sword, and I need either an upgrade or a new sword altogether. I was told that you were the best smith that Caldwell had to offer, can you help me?” The woman laughed and introduced herself as Reyna. “With 400 Col and some common iron ore, I can increase your sword two ranks. With 1000 Col, Iron, and blackcrystal I can give you a much better upgrade. There are many different varieties of sword that I can craft for you, even an Elucidator if you have the materials, but they’re all very expensive.” Kenshin checked his inventory and wallet and sighed. “I’d better go with the 400 Col upgrade. I have the money for the better sword, but it’s close. I can’t buy the upgrade and the materials too. Especially not the crystal.” The smith pondered Kenshin’s predicament for a moment before speaking. “How about this. You give me some of that orcskin and 1,350 Col, along with the other materials of course, and I’ll give you the better sword upgrade. Some idiots pay an absolute ton for orcskin or lizardman hide to be worked into their armor.” Kenshin smiled and shook on the deal. He handed his blade over and, before too long, had a shiny new sword. It was matte black, with veins of crimson and silver forming strange, twisting designs along the whole length. Kenshin nodded in satisfaction and gave the woman, Reyna, a small tip on top. Then he began the long walk home, looking forward to showing off his new sword to the team tomorrow.