A blue sports car pulled up to the curb outside the counseling center. As it idled, the window rolled down an inch as a pair of dark, wary eyes looked over the unimpressive building. The window slid back up, and the eyes turned to stare accusingly at the driver. "This is it? This is what you're abandoning me to?" The young woman's voice was sharp, despite the obvious youth of her tone. She was obviously restraining a lot of anger. "Jinny..." "Jin. My name is Jin. I'm not a little kid anymore, Chance." Her adoptive brother gave her a worried glance, looking at her with searching gray eyes. "I know. That's what worries me most. I... I don't want to lose you to jail, Jin. Trust me, I get the whole 'fuck the world' teenage attitude, but..." He looked away, but not before tears started to glisten in his eyes. "I'm worried. You don't sleep, when you think no one's looking, your hands shake, and... I know the nightmares are getting worse." Jin let out a soft little grunt of dissent, but couldn't bring the lie to her lips. She could only look away as well. It made her a little sick inside that she was making him cry. "I don't want you to hurt, Jin." He sighed, subtly wiping at his eyes. "If you can't talk to me, and you refuse to see the therapist like I'm asking you... maybe this'll help." He gave her a steady look, then leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "You may not be a kid anymore, but I'm still gonna protect you. Even from yourself. Just... try, okay?" Jin leaned into him slightly, her tough persona bending for a few moments as she rested her forehead against his shoulder. She wished that she could tell him how she felt, but it was so much emotion, and it was so constant. He'd done so much for her already. Why put more on him? "I'll do my best." She got out of the car, donning a thick purple hoodie over her pink layered top. Flipping up the hood, she headed inside.