[quote=Aristo] As a Battletech fan, I think this could be pretty awesome! I'm not sure how much interest it will garner, being a pretty niche idea, but I would certainly be up for it. [/quote] Ya it is pretty niche but I hope I cna get the group together. [quote=SwiftOnRPGuild] I'm definitely interested. I've always been a fan of the BattleTech universe. I'm gonna take a look at the creation method you listed there, and see what I can throw together. [/quote] Pretty much just pull the costs from the wiki if you are using the base model and if you have a program like megamek it will list the costs of all the varients. Maintenance will be like 5% of the mech's cost monthly though custom jobs and omnimechs would cost more to maintain. The openning major job people can take will take place in the Chaos March with a world the Federated Suns are trying to influence into aligning with them under assault by a Liao backed world. Both sides will be offering about the same pay and benefits prior to negotiations.