[quote=Laughing Renault] [/quote] Scarlet felt his presence suddenly become overwhelming, like she were a flame and it was trying to snuff her out, but instead of allowing his presence to push hers deeper into her being, she fought back--giving him a challenge of sorts. [i]It's been so long since I've run across anyone with that much power, even in the old world. I definitely found someone to keep my interest for more than an hour or two at most.[/i] If she could have chuckled, she would have, but alas she was in her cat form and could only purr with amusement as he slowly grew more aware of her presence. Suddenly, he turned around, stared directly into her eyes, and smiled at her. [i]He's one of the sharpest. I'll give him that.[/i] She noted a few people giving him curious looks, but then they continued onward as if he were a madman. [i]Yet again, we're the sane ones here...[/i] Suddenly, she felt his power attempt to snuff her out again, and she managed to fight back, despite her tiny form. [i]So he likes a bit of competition. I think I'll keep an eye on him from here on out, if he keeps this up.[/i] She padded after him as he continued on his way, mostly because she was curious about how he, too, remembered magic. Suddenly, as swift as a shadow, she darted into an alleyway and made sure that no one was around to invest their attention in her shapeshifting. There were several loud cracks and snaps as she shifted into her human form again, but she was quick to stand up despite the burning pain from her muscles. [i]This world lacks the presence of magic that made it faster and less painful...[/i] she thought to herself with a silent sigh. Readjusting her shirt and pants, she stepped from the alleyway and stepped into the pub, giving him a wink as she walked past him and into the bar. Inwardly, she was laughing at his cheekiness, but on the outside she was a hollow, emotionless husk. [b]"It's rare to find gentlemen like you nowadays."[/b] She said quietly as she waited for him.