Name: Dallas Serana Gender: female Age: 21 Appearance: Dallas is a fairly tall woman who's body has been sculpted and marred by her work. Callouses are evident on her palms as well as on the bottoms of her feet. Her bronzed skin is often mistaken for her natural skin tone, when it is a lighter golden color. Hours of working in the sun does that to a person. Her hair is a messy mop of black, brown and blonde that has to be kept from her eyes with a hat or a hair tie. The mess usually extends just past her shoulders, but has been known to be cut to the lobes of her ears during the wet months. Her eyes hazel green eyes just seems to add to the oddity of her appearance, and most are unsure if she should be called plain or exotic. In accordance with her job, Dallas typically wears loose brown pants, heavy duty boots, and a light canvas shirt or a fitted tank top. She is not as physically gifted as a woman her age should be; where curves would be, hard muscle is found instead. That is not to say that she doesn't carry a feminine shape, it is unmistakable when someone is within a few yards . For identifying marks, Dallas has a tattoo along her right shoulder. With the art of marking the skin being almost exclusive to her family, the marks are often viewed with suspicion and unease. Few can make out what the mural means, even when its symbols are explained by Dallas. Towards the shoulder is a beautiful depiction of a Gladious flower that descends into a looping vine of Orchids. From there, the line loops around her arm again and blooms into an arm bracelet of Heather Lavender and Hyacinth. Towards her forearm, a tattoo of four bands all connected by a beautifully chaotic web of sharp lines. Magic(If applicable): Dallas' magical ability lies in the creation and manipulation of Psychic Energy. From creating physical constructs to appearing to wield lightning, this ability can be incredibly destructive. Tier 1: Mental Shield: Dallas is able to create a psychic shield that can repel physical things consciously or mental attacks unconsciously. At this stage, she can only block organic projectiles due to her being around them more. Tier 2: Mental Lightning: Dallas harnesses her innate psychic power to imitate the form of lightning. This is the basis of her attacks. Tier 3: Mental Adept: Dallas has more control over her psychic powers, and has begun to overcome her fear of her own powers. She can now create a bubble shield and her mental defenses are under her control. She can now arc her psychic lightning. Tier 4: Psychic Gun/Blades: Based on the guns of the Sky Police, Dallas can now create a gun in one hand while wielding a more complicated form of her psionic shield. It can shoot organic ammo (usually rocks surrounded in her psychic energy). When using the blade form, it is based on a wrist knife she once made as a child. Tier 5: Psychic Lightning Storm: Dallas can now shoot her psychic lightning over a longer distance OR with more frequency. Regardless, she can now use the lightning in both hands: either with them touching side by side to extend the range or independently for alternating or simultaneous attacks. Tier 6: Psychic Professional: Dallas' control now runs independent of her emotions. She can now focus her power in the heat of anger. Her precision with her psychic energy has increased as well, even if its power hasn't. Her Psychic Gun/Blade can now be used in conjunction with her Psychic Lightning. Tier 7: Psionic Entity Creation: While little more than a minion, the entinty is a glowing effigy of a very tall man made of writhing Psychic Lightning. It follows mental and verbal commands and is completely loyal to his mistress. Has a maximum time limit of 1 hour. This lowers to 45 minutes when using a shield, 30 minutes when using Physic Gun, and 15 minutes when using Psychic Lightning Storm. Tier 8: Psionic Armor: Dallas can now imbue herself and her Entity with psychic armor that can repel inorganic materials as well as organic materials. Has a maximum time limit of 30 minutes regardless of offensive movements. Tier 9: Psionic Mastery: Now a master over her powers, Dallas can now use all of her powers without need of focus. Her Psychic Blade can now extend its length with a thought, her Psychic Gun can fire either rapidly or in bursts, her Psionic Entity now has a face capable of showing emotion and communication, and the Psionic Armor and Mental Shield can be manipulated to fit allies. Also, her Psychic Lightning Storm radiates from her as both an offense and a defense. Tier 10: Psychic Lightning Golem: A massive, physical entity capable of independent thought and seems to have a life of its own. Despite Dallas' ability to psychically create him from nearby materials, he is always the same golem and requests to be called "Blitz". He is capable of intelligent speech and refers to Dallas as "My Lady" out of respect. He has the ability to merge with his lady to gain access to her unique attack set. On his own, he possesses incredible strength and durability. At this point, Dallas can keep him indefinitely, but she will lose access to her other powers unless she merges with Blitz or furthers her own progress to learn how to access them. It is unknown exactly what gives him the ability to speak or have rational thought and may be explored later. Personality: Dallas is a very cautious young woman that enjoys her simple life. She never wanted magic and never held much interest in it or the Old World. By no means intolerant, Dallas has been known to open her home to wven the most hostile of officials that track her progress and loyalty. She carries a deep love for plants, flowers and animals, but harbors a deep resentment for past transgressions against her. Her magic scares her immensely, as does conflict in general. She'd much rather keep her head low and not attract attention than fight against some great injustice. Background: Dallas is a rancher/botanist that lives on a small settlement just outside of the city's outer walls. Her ranch sells: beef (a variety of high quality cuts due to free range grazing), pork, chicken, eggs, leather, personalized leather charms, milk, and breeding stock. Her botany shop offers a wide selection of seasonal flowers and houseplants that have been carefully bred and cared for. Her permits have allowed her to use unused and carefully preserved samples from her mother's travels that are inspected by a team of officials. These exotic flowers have been bred to be infertile and thus won't produce harmful spores. They are very expensive of course, so these are often sold only to nobles. For the commons, she has bred some of the more common flowers that can grow in the city and has her cousin arrange them into beautiful set pieces. As a child, Dallas exhibited a knowledge of flora and fauna that would have almost guaranteed that she'd be a surveyor, but her grades were not up to par. Instead, she went into the family business of raising the livestock that supplied leather, meat and other supplies to the city. She also used maternal familial knowledge of botany to add a joint venture to her ranch. Around this time, the addition of the botany to her ranch further estranged her from her very traditional father. Since she was born out of wedlock, her father already looked down at her. "A moment of weakness" he often called her. It was her grandfather that taught her the family's way or ranching and familial leatherwork against her father's wishes. It was also her grandmother that gifted her with her first set of tattoos (on her forearm) when she came into adulthood. When she petitioned the nearby noble for the land that was willed to her by her grandparents when they died, her father protested and made a case that he felt she was too young and was untested to care for it properly. The noble granted the land to the man as her benefactor until she was trustworthy. Of course, the snake sold the land off and set the money aside for his four legitimate children then kicked the mild-mannered Dallas from his house. The older teen slowly made her way her way towards the walls over the next few months, alone and scared. Her mother's family lived nearby, and it was her aunt that brought her home for a hot meal. Her aunt didn't know whom she was, for by this time she was dirty and reeked of the streets. All the woman knew was that she was too young to be on the streets and should at least have the comfort of a warm bed and a hot meal. It was her uncle that recognized her eyes and practically dragged her to the tub to get her clean. Upon seeing younger, cleaner version of his older sister, he immediately scooped her up to his chest and cried into her hair. Over the next year, she met her mother's family members and they embraced her wholeheartedly for the woman was reported dead a few years prior while surveying. They furthered her knowledge of local flora and the care for them as well as breeding, which has led to some of the most exotic looking, tame flora money could buy. She eventually petitioned another noble, under her mother's last name, for her mother's residence. It took almost another year to gain the necessary permits and paperwork, as well as the proper help so that she could run her own business on the freer lands close to the outside of the wall. Three years have passed since she was granted permission. With the help of her two cousins and three hired hands, the ranch is now brimming with business from nobles to the common. Her ranch is visited bi-monthly for "Quality" checks by a city official and a surveyor. If passed, both give her their seals on her license which allows for her to sell undisturbed for another 60 days. Her license states that she must sell to only the city and through an intermediary or a private stall, shop, or store. Her cousins run the shop out of her maternal family's shop while her ranch hands (two former thieves, a young couple, and an orphan) care for the livestock under her watchful eye. More for the livestock than the boy and couple since they'd been with her for a long time now. She found out about her magic while she was tending to her herd one day while it was grazing in the sanctioned fields. A strange crackle traveled along her fingers to her horse and spooked him into taking off. She hit the ground hard and would have been trampled if she hadn't blocked his hooves with her hands. The movement placed a physical shield between her and the deadly shoes, and held so remarkably that the horse was able to stand on it with its front legs when he called down. Frightened out of her wits, she managed to wiggle her way from under the beast to just lay in the grass in disbelief. Immense guilt filled her when she looked at her hands, for they brought unnecessary harm to the animal and it felt that. Then gripping fear choked her throat, for she knew it took a lot to harm a horse to the point that it felt like it had to fight for its life. Ever since that day, she's kept her gloved touch to plants and bare touch to wooden objects rather than other humans or animals. Theme: [url=]Dallas' Theme[/url]