Name: Buster Keegan Sex: Male Appearance: Keegan is slight of build, with pale blue eyes, shaved head, and light tan skin. He has an athletic body type. [hider=Armor][img=][/hider] Backstory: Believe it or not, Keegan was once a crack-shot for the Insurrectionists. This was due in no small part to his upbringing on one of the more remote colonies, having to hunt for food to make sure not only his family, but town were able to have some food in their bellies. The obvious lack of support from the UNSC and the rough environment for which he had grown up, made his decision to join up with this ever going "Insurrection" all the more easier. Keegan saw more than his fair share of battle, though he was more often than not far off from the actual fighting. Within no time at all, the young man had made a name for himself among fellow Insurrectionists, many factions squabbling over whether or not he should be with them or another group. Even the UNSMC began to tell tales of him, as the military discovered that the constant harassment of patrols and ever climbing casualties count was all due to one man. Before any real action could be focused on this, the Covenant had began it's genocide of the outer colonies, and the one Keegan had been hold up on was one of the lucky ones to have the Covenant land on. The UNSMC forces were bolstered, not by reinforcements, but by the contingent of Insurrectionists on the planet. Keegan and his comrades aided the UNSMC to beat back the Covenant onslaught, surprisingly coming out on top. However, just as the small scouting ship left the planet's orbit (they didn't know at the time it was only that) for easier pickings and to report back to the Prophets, the UNSMC turned their guns once more on the Insurrectionists. Caught off guard, nearly the entire contingent was killed, leaving Keegan one of the few remaining survivors. Though he wished to exact revenge on the quick betrayal, Keegan was soon routed out and found himself restrained. In his mind he expected the soldiers were just holding him to verify their capture, probably for some reward at finally capturing the infamous sniper. Yet, as he adjusted to the lighting in the craft, he found that the people around him looked nothing like the military pukes he'd been fighting for the past few years. Instead, he found himself presented in front of a mysterious older man. Just as he was about to say something none to flattering about the man, the figure spoke. "You have been a rather interesting subject, Mr. Keegan, rather interesting indeed.." he paused as he noticed Keegan's eyes widening slightly "Why, you're very special, but you know that already. Not many can claim to have shown the UNSMC their own medicine, fewer still have actually done so. I give you an option. You can join a special program I have begun working on and possibly aid me, though don't worry, we aren't associated with the UNSC. Your other option is to refuse, where I will of course turn you over to the UNSMC, who I'm sure will be mighty glad to finally get a shot at you." "Not much of an option. I guess the only real choice is to sign on with whatever you've got going on here." Keegan grumbled, his eyes focusing on the man in front of him. "Who are you by the way? Be good to at least know the name of my black mailer." "I'm glad you see it my way, very very glad." the older man said, stepping forward into the light, revealing to Keegan an educated looking man with deep furrowed brows and piercing eyes that seemed to analyze him like a computer. "I am the Director and welcome, too Project Freelancer." Flaws: Lacks CQB skills, A bit self centered, not very sociable, cold Skills: Marksmanship that rivals that of an ODST trooper at medium - long range, ability to stay cool under pressure, and a penchant for being a sarcastic asshole. Sorry if the back story is a bit rough, just wanted to get out as much as I could without passing out. Well, I'm gonna try and get some sleep now, so I hope I'm able to partake in this RP!