[quote=VitaVitaAR] @Tatsua: Alright, I've given your bio a look-through and I have to say it honestly doesn't fit. Especially given that I have a character contracted to Apollo's sister and she has none of the same limitations or abilities listed there, and logically both siblings would not be too distant from one another in power. It's simply not how things are established to work in this setting on top of that. [/quote] If that's really the only problem, then it shouldn't be all that hard to get accepted. Keep in mind that I'm only working off what was mentioned in the OP, so it can't be helped that there might be a miss communication~ Given that you don't seem to see anything else wrong with the CS, once I patch up the inconsistencies, can I be accepted? Oh, and you're wrong about Artemis and Apollo logically having similarities. They're very different kinds of deity, save for the sun and moon stuff. Also, meta limitations of oracular abilities are only half the problem, it makes sense for there to be some sort of IC protection against futurehaxing.