Xavier was walking to the very unimpressive building from college, so far he had skipped out on three other possible meetings here he hadn't thought it would be this hard to just sit and be silent....maybe talk sometimes. He knew this could help, or at least get to a point where he could find help and get better. He saw other people going in too at this point, he guessed this wouldn't hurt, fixing his jacket he starts walking up the stairs to the door, keeping his ipod on and headphones up. He didn't really want to make the first move, especially out here. He kind of smirks wryly about how he is now, his younger self wouldn't know who he was if they met, he changed so much from the accident...and the subsequent crap that went on afterwards. He walked passed a nice looking car, the driver watching another one of the people coming here to maybe get rid of their troubles. He walked up the stairs, his face contorting in pain now and again from his leg and knee injury, he stopped and leaned against a railing catching his breath, he had his brace in the small messenger bag he always carries...he can't believe he left his pills home though, trying to get better Xavier guesses. He keeps walking and walks into the building immediately heading to a bathroom so he could put the brace on under his jeans. It was a no go on that so he has to wear it over them, he sighed a little annoyed about this but at least it helped with the pain. He looked around looking for a sign or something that would lead him to the group and saw it walking down a hallway he sighed, actually going through with this, let's hope it hasn't been a colossal waste of time.