Volunteer? To go to the mainland? Well, she said she would go but Lucine was having some second thoughts about this. Shouldn't they compensate the volunteers in some way? At least make it worth their while or something. She didn't really do anything just out of the good will of her heart, that was just asking for some other pokemon to take advantage of you. [i]"If we continue to give in to our fear, it festers within our hearts and rots there until we are nothing more than mere shells of who we once were." She looked up at the Cleffairy and got a nod of approval to continue speaking. "I will join this team."[/i] The Vulpixs words...were naive, to say the least, yet, Lucine couldn't help but to give a small smile at her words. She truly believed that, didn't she? For some pokemon, fear wasn't so easily overcome. She wasn't saying she was afraid, she wasn't - not that she'd admit even to herself, but she had seen what fear could do to some pokemon. Not that she attempted to save them. It was survival of the fittest out there, and most would turn on you the second they got in a tight situation. Before she got a chance to volunteer, however, a Riolu interrupted. [i]'"Do you truly believe that these would survive a single day?! They wouldn't last a single day out there! They are new to war and wouldn't be able to kill in the first instant that an enemy approaches! And I would know, their auras are no truer than their words would be!"[/i] At the end of this pokemons speech. She glared at the Riolu with a scowl. So he thought he was all that, huh? Big talk for someone who would likely run at the first sign of trouble. She wasn't about to let this insult slide. Oh, she wouldn't hurt the guy, not yet. She didn't want to get kicked out before she could volunteer, but she wasn't going to let that moron get away with those words either. She'd now join just for the pure satisfaction of bringing this guy down a peg. Arrogant little twit. She found him rather amusing though, and couldn't help but to laugh. As he finished there was a second round of laughter, from her this time. [b]"Yo, the mutt standing on the table!"[/b] She called out, standing up from her chair making sure the Riolu could see her as she walked to the front of the room. [b]"Quit talking like your some big shot. What makes you think you're so much better than everyone else? You were in a guild? Please, don't make me laugh. I bet that guild was full of wimps like you."[/b] She reached the front of the room, and turned to face the crowd, the Riolu specifically. [b]"I bet you've never even had to fight for your life, simply because you were being attacked by some random wild pokemon that would have killed you just for the fun of it. Or, had to survive for a week on whatever you could find on the forest floor. So don't think so highly of yourself, because you're not that great."[/b] She paused for a moment as she adjusted her satchel and looked across the room. [b]"I'll be volunteering as well. You guys could use a pokemon who knows what they're actually doing on your team."[/b] She said with confidence.