[u]Name:[/u] Niassa the Judge. [u]Age:[/u] Seventy four. Her appearance is of a young adult, no older than twenty five. [u]Gender:[/u] Female. [u]Color(s):[/u] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130601212341/magic-thegathering/images/3/38/Black-White_mana.png[/img] [u]Appearance:[/u] [img]http://www.magicspoiler.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Cartel-Aristocrat-Art-by-James-Ryman.jpg[/img] (Like an Cartel Aristocrat, except she doesn't wear a headpiece. Instead, flowing, shoulder length, charcoal colored hair replaces it.) [u]Personality:[/u] Vindicative, to say the least. Niassa is passively aggressive until someone makes the mistake of wronging her in the slightest. The only thing for them to expect? For the wrath of the Orzhov judge and executioner to befall you for your transgressions. [u]History:[/u] Niassa lived in the secret filled city of Orzhova, home to constant extortion and a new evil joining the ranks every few days. She was just one of the wary citizens, having no where else to go. She decided to further her allegiance to the Orzhov guild by joining the government in its corrupted doings, eventually gaining the position of some sort of judge, if one could even call it that. This was, however, until Niassa was afflicted by vampirism when she made the mistake of taking her time outside of Orzhova after a more than fruitful meeting with an Izzet deserter. She was struck in the clavicle by the fangs of a Nighthawk. Instead of killing her, like most bites from one would, she simply fell unconscious. Niassa awoke with a major loss of blood and a new found power. She eventually nursed herself back to full health and resumed her duty as an 'ever vigilant judge' for those convicted of crossing the council. However, with the power of vampirism, comes the need to feed. She has done well to rarely feast, but one can only hold out for so long... Other: Niassa is awakened by the effects of vampirism, though she is completely unaware of what she is capable of. Her spark is there, but it isn't. ((I'm really hoping this character doesn't seem too overwhelming. That is the opposite of what I want it to seem like. Just tell me if she needs toned down, and I will adjust appropriately. Also, I'm sorry I couldn't get this CS in sooner.)) Edit: There you go, Rex! :D