Ghost looked at the Ralts making her way to the front, the words that came from her lips made Ghost grin, he found at least one other who saw the war and yet she wasn't that bright. her words ment nothing to him as he just stood still on that table. Almost brushing her words off him he just glanced at her, with no expression at all on his face. [b]"It seems you lack the knowledge of seeing an war veteran when you see one, but still, my past is for only me and not to be shared, my secrets are ment to stay in the dark and not ment to be heard and my strenght will come to light once the time is right. Unless you would dare to challenge me right here, right now"[/b] A dark smile appeared on Ghost his lips as he glanced trough the room, the only true fighters here were Scythe, that Ralts and me. And yet the only one who knows Ghost his powers for just a bit is Scythe. [b]"But do know that I fight by the rule of a death match, the fight ends untill one of the two is death"[/b]