The world was aflame. And there was no bucket of water in sight. The only solution was to fight fire with fire, violence- with violence. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum. A ball of fire blazed across the night sky of Equestria, one of many such meteors. Only these were no meteors, the gods themselves had taken it into their hooves to stay the chaos that sundered the land. This particular ball of fire was no stranger to violence, indeed, violence was just an old friend; more of a tool really, but the sharpest and best cared for tool in the shed. Armifera hurtled through the night sky, her eyes wide as she felt the rush of exhilaration that only the mortal realm could bring. Nowhere else could she soar through the night sky encased in a great sphere of flame, and feel the rush of the air, and roaring of the wind and flame. She cackled in delight, marveling in how it felt to have a physical form and be speeding towards the grou- Crap. She flailed for a moment, forgetting her divine nature and the power it came with. Instinctively she hurled a haphazard shield before herself to ward off most of the impact and scrunched her eyes together as she saw the ground magnify an- The earth shuddered, trembled, and rocked as the goddess plowed into it, carving a furrow in the ground and leaving a lightly smoldering crater, small clumps of soil having even fused into glass at the bottom. She lay there for she knew not how long, only that it was enough for the earth to cool and her breath to return. But she did not stir, the stars were beautiful when one simply lay there and observed them; Luna really had done a fantastic job. But she was not to be left undisturbed for long, as she felt motion at the edges of the pit, apprehensive motion, perhaps. She really had no idea why they were so hesitant, it wasn't as if she were going to leap up and chop their heads off. Mortals could be so silly at times. She kept her eyes closed, but subtly reached out with her telekinesis and felt around the ponies, they were ponies, she could tell that much from the sound of hooves and lack of rhyming speech. What she gleaned surprised her, they couldn't be Hurricane's Legionnaires! The martial stallion had died at least a thousand years before this, if not more! She gently wrapped her magic around the forehooves of one of the ponies clustered to the side of the crater where she lay, forming the magic into an actual hold on the pony, and pulled gently but firmly. The mare yelped in surprise as she was pulled off balance and towards the pit, and began slashing with the spear that she had held onto. Armifera brought the mare before her, where she stopped slashing and went slack as she saw what had grabbed her magically. Opening one eye, the alicorn floated her closer and whispered one word, "Boo." The armored pegasus sweated that much more as the goddess smirked, and floated her from the crater. Shuffling to her knees, she checked that her armor and swords were all in proper position, which they were, before standing to her full height, wings flared and mane glimmering in the moonlight. "Greetings, ponies! How are you all doing today? I don't suppose you came out here over something that fell from the sky and hit the ground, did you?" The wide eyed group of pegasi didn't move a muscle. She cocked an eyebrow, "Hello?" She asked, "Are any of you in there?" Muttering to herself something about shock therapy, she examined them closer. Yep, carbon copies of Hurricane's forces, perhaps with some advances in metalworking. "Anyway" She continued, "Since you appear to be stunned into silence, I shall introduce myself, please return the favor." She coughed and cleared her throat, "I am Armifera Imperatrix, Goddess of a couple of things here and there, but more or less to to with the martial arts." She paused to see if any of them responded, "Yourselves?" The pegasi still remained motionless. "What, is there something on my face?" She asked, before sighing and pointing at the mare she'd pulled into the pit earlier, "You, what's your name?" The mare's eyes widened even more, if that was even possible, and she nervously stepped a bit closer to her fellow hoplites. "Oh come [i]on[/i]!" The alicorn gasped, exasperated, "It's not like I bite or anything." Hesitantly, one of the other pegasi, whose armor seemed to have a few embellishments here or there to show rank, cleared his throat, "Eh-hem, Tempestuous Skies, Hoplite Platoon leader of House Stormwing, a-" He trailed off as she swerved her head over to look at him, and resumed speaking at an inquisitive nod, "And, yes, we were sent here to investigate the falling star..." "House Stormwing, aye? I've been paying attention to that little group there for a while now, didn't think I'd actually land in their territory though. Tell me, what do you know of Commander Hurricane?" To her surprise, the mare from before piped up, the pegasi as a whole seemingly more comfortable now that they were confident they wouldn't be slain in the next few moments. "Well, I do know a little about him and his empire." Armifera swung her head back around, eyebrow cocked once more, "You do?! That's a surprise, I would have thought you all would've forgotten all about that time, but please, do tell me what you know... what is your name?" "Summer Winds... and all I really know is that he participated in the founding of Equestria and headed its military forces for some time." The mare said. Chuckling slightly, Armifera spoke again, "Close enough," She smiled, addressing the lot of them again, "I have come to restore peace and order in this world, through force of arms if necessary. Commander Hurricane's empire was one of the greatest and safest that ever existed, it is my goal to elevate your House Stormwing to that same lofty perch." She finished grandiosely, flaring her wings once more. Putting on fake airs, she spoke again, "Now, if you'd be so kind as to take me to your leader?"