[b]Western Watchtower, a game of Sloth Chess[/b] Naream blinked and then frowned, he knew this board, it was from that surface game... Chess... or was it Checkers... possibly both, either case it was no matter, both games were loosely based on supposedly 'simulating' combat, warfare. By making the players think of various ways to beat their opponent and stay one or multiple steps ahead of their opponent, well he knew of a other way that could influence combat. He pulled up his spell tome and leaved through it, gritting his teeth when one of them made a move, starting the game, without making a strategy... and then she blathered about food? This was one of the Queens Blades? He frowned, silencing his thoughts to concentrate, after all perhaps that one had abilities he had not yet witnessed. While leafing through his spell tome he spoke up, almost casually mentioning it. "There is a barrier preventing us from escaping this board... also, the girls book, it is the source of the barrier and potentially the entire magic that made this game board appear." He then let out a delighted sound, finding the right page, cutting his thumb and placing it on the bloodied mark on the page. The thing was with wars and strategies... one can have all the cunning strategies he or she wants, but sometimes... He let out a shout, speaking in a mixture of Drow and arcane words and then let loose with the magic and opened a rift between this world and the pocket-plane his amulet was linked to and from it marched three wight warriors, armed with shields and swords, moving protectively in front of Naream. He grinned and closed his spell tome, sweeping off a bead of sweat from his forehead, sometimes, it was not about the strategies, but about the reinforcements one can bring to the field... [b]"No fairrr!"[/b] The twelve year old pouted. [b]"Stop being such a meanie!"[/b] "I will stop being a, as you say, 'meanie' when this game of Sloth Chess has been won, with me preferably still standing, thank you very much. Now be a good young... human... girl? And hand over that book, or my pawns will have to get it for me." Upon those words two of the wight moved together in formations, shields in front and started marching in unison, they would head for the closes enemy pawn, that was not a skeletal archer. Naream had other plans for those as he instructed the third wight to stand guard over him while he tried to wrest control over those skeletal archers to his own control.