[quote=Phobos] Honestly, I didn't know either xD I didn't know how to react at first when Kai said that he was gonna communicate with all of the tailed beasts but it is indeed a skill ^.^ But I'm not gonna lie, I do wanna get a piece of that action xD [/quote] Well your mission was to go to Konoha anyway to help make sure that Kai and Anko get out alive... awksss because I was gonna send you there anyway ahahahah Oh man that is a pretty cool skill didn't know they could do that. They could make a beast jinchuriiki team and they could all communicate telepathically and have the best team work. Assume I have already told you the mission since I have posted this in the OCC, your mission will not be common knowledge in the IC until you get to Konoha and join the insanity.