[i]~A warm feeling races through the older male as Zach speaks. His words are few, and simple, but they fill the priest with enough hope that his gaze brightens and he lets out a long sigh. As the smaller hand comes up to rest in his own the priest closes his fingers gently and hums softly. The world around them seems to pass by, figure in the distance fading until they look almost like old time motion capture figures made from oil paint on a backdrop of clouds and grass. His mind relaxes, his eyes falling closed. Here he can be content. The boy is unharmed and happy, and he can see the day around him fading as the light grows pleasantly brighter. . .and brighter. . . .~[/i] Kiel wakes slowly, the light of the day coming through the window still dull and dark. The rain from the days before seems to be ready to make another appearance, the sky overcast and gray. The young priest stretches, his body feeling very relaxed and refreshed. “I must have had a good dream last night.” He murmurs to his empty room, and he can not help but smile at the warm feeling in his chest. It is not often that he wakes in such a good mood. Normally he is content with his life, and his sleep reflects that. But something about his dream, or so he's sure, has left him with this pleasant him across his skin. He says a quick morning prayer before hopping out of bed, stretching once more with a “Hup!” of enthusiasm. Pulling on his clothes quickly he peeks out into the main room. Not seeing Zach there yet he slips out, scoops up the trays from the night before, and heads out. Taking in the cool morning air with several deep breaths Kiel makes his way over to the church, dropping off the platters as quietly as possible so that the staff isn't interrupted by his presence and can go about their morning duties. Once back outside he heads strait for his house, but pauses as he catches movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head eh spots a hand waving at him from the front gate. He cocks an eyebrow curiously, adjusting his course in a U-turn motion so he can check it out. As he approaches the hand vanishes. Once under the arch he looks around the corner and spots one of his east side street kids hiding beneath their usual bright red hoodie. Looking around to make sure no one else is about he walks over slowly and slips an arm around the smaller figure. It twitches slightly, but doesn't pull away. “I heard you was lookin' for who it was roughed up some newbie few days ago.” The voice issuing from beneath the hood is rough, gender neutral, and Kiel knows that even by the church the child does not feel safe. He squeezes the shoulder beneath his hand gently to confirm what they said. “I don' know much, but I heared that some team a guys took down some loud mouth who din' know what's good for 'im after he talked some serious smack. I don' know if it's yo boy in there, but, I ain't seen no newbies with fresh ass handed to 'im face, so, who knows.” The figure shrugs, turning to leave. “Thanks. Get yourself inside somewhere, okay? I think it's going to rain today. . .” The figure pauses, nodding without looking back at Kiel. A moment later that red hoodie vanish around a corner and Kiel lets out a long sigh. “Poor Daniel. . .” The only time he hides like that is after a bad trick and the soft hearted priest can not help his sympathy going out tot he young one. After a few quiet moments of prayer, he heads back on to the church grounds and into his house.