Without thought, as soon as Shio prepared the magic for her Word of Conviction: Blind, Kasumi used her Veil of Mists in order to lessen the impact that the spell would have on her, and used Mistwalker to teleport to the very edge of the mist, eight feet in front of her. This was a disadvantageous situation, as Kasumi had reacted to an incoming attack instantly and was momentarily stunned from the Blind. The additional Veil of Mists would be used due to Mistwalker, and Kasumi's being stood still would prevent her from being sensed by Shio or her Kujaku if it came closer. She allowed herself a second to recuperate from the blind before turning around to see where Shio was now that she'd teleported - given that she would now be in the mist, the ball was quite firmly in Kasumi's court, and she could plan an opportune moment to strike. Mythin did what it had been told to do. [18M]