Victoria skidded to a stop on her skateboard in-front of the building, swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat the girl sighed. She didn't want to do this, but she knew very well that she didn't have much of a choice. It took everything in her power to convince her parents that she could make it here on her own, it would take her selling her soul to convince them that she didn't need a support group. Shaking the thought from her head the girl picked up her board and walked into the building. Patting on the outside pouch of her bag she made a mental note that her pills were with her. Checking her watch quickly she sighed. "One more dose in a half hour." She said to herself. Looking around at some of the people that walked in she started to make mental checks, something she often did to remember things. So far there seemed to be three girls, including herself and two guys, one of which was very good looking. He seemed to walk with a limp though, also seemed like he didn't want to be bothered. "Smart," Victoria thought, "I should have brought headphones with me." Moving into the room the girl found a seat in the circle and put her board on the floor under her feet, starting to rock it back and forth over the smooth tile. Closing her eyes Victoria brought a closed fist up to her mouth, at a glance someone might think that she was deep in thought, the way she hung her head. The concentration on her face may all lead to that, but no in-fact, Victoria Stone was starting slip, as she gently bit the skin of her already purple knuckles.