Likewise, Ariel spent the time thinking of her new predicament with the human girl. No doubt a thousand other divine beings were cursing her name for his kind of taboo, but hey, she was Death. She could do whatever the hell she wanted. And if that meant completely ignoring the lesson in turn for imagining all the lewd poses she would put Zendra in later, then so be it. Class was ending now, and soon the lunch bell rung out throughout the building. Ariel walked up behind Zendra and placed her hands around the other girl's hips. "Guess who~" The Angel leaned forward and gently nuzzled Zendra's cheek. "Where do you usually eat, hmm?" "With us. Usually she's the one buying." Ariel frowned as the resident bitches arrived once more. Sighing, Ariel brought Zendra's cheek to hers and stuck her tongue out definitely at Tina and Meagan. "What do you two losers want? I thought I told you Zendra was mine?" Tina smirked. "Oh that's fine and all. Besides, you two were just made for each other." At this, Ariel tensed as she noticed a few other girls lingering around the lunch period in class. Slowly, they surrounded Ariel and Zendra into a corner. Three of them lashed out and held Ariel back at bay. The angel seemed unamused at the whole display though, simply choosing to yawn in response. "You done yet?"