[b]Aruna[/b] Aruna could feel the stares of people around her as soon as she spoke up about the safety of the students. She could hear the whispers as well. "Is that a succubus?" "No, she has scales not fur" "What else could she be? An Esyire? She's to human." Just then a large elf passed by her and told her to hot anything that attacked her. She tried to come up with a reply, but the elf was gone to help the other girl who'd run into the Headmaster. She felt a spark of annoyance. Of course she knew to fight back. She was no dimwit. Her tail unvoluntarily began to twist in a way that made the mass of metal and leather [i]clack[/i] several times in a row, making a sound not unlike a rattlesnake tail. When the Headmaster spoke to her she forced it to stop. The way he passionately talked about the safety of his students surprised her. Usually people reacted differently to someone challenging the safety of something they are in charge of. Usually it is with anger, or pride. But he responded with concern. He really cared. What was even more unprecedented was that when he looked her in the eye, she saw... No... Kindness? It was enough to puzzle her. Kindness. From an Esyire. To her. [i]what's his angle?[/i] She tried to puzzle it out, but for the first time in a long time she couldn't find an answer. She stood almost dumbstruck. Then the Headmaster called a gargoyle to show her to her dorm, and suddenly all her exhaustion came rushing back. She was slightly relieved to have some rest, but also worried about special treatment. [b]"Maybe I should try to find someone to go with me first, sir?"[/b] She needed rest, but she didn't fully trust this place yet, though she had been shown nothing bad so far, and had actually seen many good things, she wanted to play it safe and have at least one person with her. [b] "Would anyone like to go with me?"[/b]