[center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Female%20Characters/2599015-ravager_new_costume.png][/center] Rose adjusted herself on the metal bar and looked from Tempest to...the other one. Something about that costume struck her as familiar, but hell, Roy was right; they had both been through so much and seen so many different things, it was hard to distinguish who was who anymore. A light chuckle came from Rose at hearing Roy calling Iron Fist a 'Benevolent Babysitter', still she showed some interest in the situation. She stood up on the iron bar, balancing on the two inch wide strip of metal and reached into a small pocket on her belt and pulled out a device that resembled a blue=tooth head set and plugged it into her ear. Most of the time, Rose never wore the stupid thing as she felt it tied her down to grounds she didn't desire to be tied down to, but kept it on her person in case of instances like this. With a quick press on a small button on the device, the headset was on and she was linked to everyone wearing the headsets. "I.F. Someone here to see you in the simulation room. Multi-tasker or something...Tempest brought him in." Rose said into the comm link, walking the thin bar of metal back and forth as easily as if she were walking on a flat floor, completely over-stepping what Roy had just said about needing to wait until he was done with Amy. While waiting for their leader's reply, Rose gave Roy a quick wink, it's intended purpose unknown really, sort of like a misplaced signal of seduction, and then turned her attention to Tempest. "I had almost forgotten you knew how to breathe air Tempest, we hardly see you up here on the surface." She teased him lightly. Normally she didn't particularly engage in conversation with him, as he was very to-himself all the time, but Rose couldn't pass up putting in a few jabs here and there. And then, without waiting for a reply from Tempest, she turned her attention then to Task Master, dropping herself down on the metal bar so that her left leg was left completely suspended in air, as her right leg was bent into her chest as she crouched down low so that she was once again level with her teammates. "You look kind of familiar..."