[quote=Windreda] I'm sorry for messing with your town, it's just that I pictured the AMA mines to be directly below Atlas so I saw no reason for there to be separate housing elsewhere. If you have a different idea and want to share it than go for it, [/quote] Mining below someone's house is hells of difficult, especially somewhere with the kind of stable infrastructure for electricity, pipes of AMA, and the kind of foundations that a tower the size of Titian's Fist would call for. Even with proper propping and shoring, the sheer energy, heat, and movement of a mining operation causes deep changes across hundreds of thousands of sedimentary layers. But then again, it's not a gamechanger, Frontier town suits the idea of the place better, honestly. Just remember that most of your city is built on the fantasy equivalent of the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacombs_of_Paris]Paris catacombs[/url]. [quote=Windreda] I also read through the entire magic system you're proposing and it sounds awesome, I think it would be cool if you included it into your character. I still would like you to have the tier system, as it provides a leveling system for your characters, but your example kind of works for the most part. To avoid the whole OP element of your magic, how about there is a limit to how many runes you can draw. As you increase tier levels this limit increases, as well as making it possible for you to simply cast runes on surfaces at will. I really enjoy the idea as while you aren't completely powerful in one element of magic, you have a wide range of skills that could suit your character at certain points in time. Nothing seems wrong with the idea at all, if you lengthen your character sheet and specify parts like background and magic then you will be good. [/quote] Being able to cast at-will is seven leagues of OP, in that it removes the one true failing of a magic system meant to be based around traps: the setup time. This is a magic system that benefits enormously from having the home field advantage, a system whose one weakness is spontaneity. The flaw based around having multiple traps primed is a good one, and will probably become the main flaw of this kind of magic. And i was waiting for better minds then mine to flesh out the world a little more before expanding my background. Thanks, guys. [hider=Dale v1.2] [center][u] Name:[/u] Dale Haight [u] Gender:[/u] Male [u] Age:[/u] 29 [u] Appearance:[/u] [url=http://zackstovall.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/redneck-3.jpg]Image [/url] [u] Magic:[/u] Dale's brand of magic is a tricky beast to tame. He draws a draws a rune or runes onto a surface, which can then be turned on by impact, vocal command, or other stimuli Depending on the way the spell is drawn, various effects or combinations thereof will occur. Time between casting a spell and having it primed varies due to the complexity of the spell in question. The mental stress of having a spell primed is quite a load, and will interfere with Dale's mental processes. The tier of each spell can be guessed at by adding up the tier of each rune inside it. Tier one runes: Fire, Water, Force. Tier two runes: Pain, Contain, Deceive. Tier three: Enlarge, Compress, Dispell. Tier four: Inhale, Exhale, On Sight Tier five: Detect, Alarm, Repel [u] Personality:[/u] Dale is a good-hearted soul. Some would call him a rough diamond, but he's much more like a carbuncle in that he's synonymous with a skin disease. Jeremy looks out for himself first, his friends second, and his enemies last. He considers himself learned and knowledgeable in most practical respects, although very rusty on the theoretical aspects of most fields. Dale has a stubborn streak, and to this day, calls AMA "Matteran' ". Dale acts very territorial, and will defend his hearth to the last scrap of flesh in his body. Dale has a tendency not to see social lines or barriers, such as how flipping of a Sky Brigadier could net him a severe beating. Dale looks down on scholars, members of Heaven's Hand, yet feels at ease around Marked Ones. While he respects the ideals of the Sky brigade, he prefers that they wouldn't infringe on his personal freedoms. [u] Background:[/u] Dale was born to small, not-well off family in a small tribal community called Teeterlands, so named because of being almost outside of Atlas Sky Brigade protection, and halfway encroached on Outlands territory. Dale grew up making law with his own fists, fighting other street kinds for fun. As a child, Dale admired the Outlands Surveyors with their sleek teutonic devotion to duty, and grew close to one, a young man by the name of Nessery Aitch, who told him of the big city he'd left behind. Mister H had worked in the mines, but had gathered a reputation for being devoted to his work, if a few seams short of a hankercheif. H had been sent out out of Atlas, Dispensing pearls of his wisdom to all those who would listen to his tales. Dale always listened with rapt attention, and it was perhaps because of him that Dale's first job was as a cattle driver between Teetertown and Atlas. Dale quickly abandoned that particular task in disgust when he discovered that he didn't even get to see inside of the high, encroached walls, merely deposit his stuff to the border patrol and leave. In his young adulthood, Dale was content to live a sedantary life. He bought a small farm of Charyams, a curious plant which reproduced like wildfire and grew practically everywhere, whose roots could be brewed into a tasty alcoholic beverage he sold at premium, because nobody else wanted to even touch the damn weeds. He spent most of his days in a semi-permanent drunken stupor until one harvest the weeds died away. After the week-long hangover, Dale sold his land, cashed in all his debts, made good on a few promises, and bought a ticket on the Ash-cattle train to the big city. [u] Theme:[/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIis9Y40rB4] [/center] [/hider]