Caelyn knew that the cream that Veragwen had applied to her was working a little, but this was ridiculous. It was as if had an instantaneous effect. She realized her folly after noticing the glowing dragoon stone. And was that another one?. . . As if on queue to snap her back to reality the newly brought in injured girl swung out at Veragwen. "Hey! Don' be layin' a hand on her!" Caelyn lunged up from her bed, or would have had her injuries still not been severe. She was healing but not that fast. So Caelyn did the only other thing she could do in her state and simply mean mugged this new person. "Mara! I am glad you are ok, the last I saw you.... you were.... anyways I am sorry that I was no' very much help! I promise to be stronger next time." She added with fierce determination. "I am already feelin' a lo' better. Soon I'll be back to normal! And um... did anyone ever get my dagger?"